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4 Reasons You Aren’t Getting A Job Because of Your Facebook Page

Originally posted on Recruiter.com November 8, 2014

4 Facebook Job Seeker Fails

medium_7496669132We hear it everywhere: networking is the number one way to find a job. Forty-one percent of respondents in a Right Management survey said that they landed a job through networking. Today, networking doesn’t mean what it used to. The first thing that comes to just about anyone’s mind when the term “networking” is thrown out is Facebook. While LinkedIn is the world’s leading professional social networking site, Facebook continues to be the leader in social media.

Facebook is a strong leader for social networking; professional and casual alike. We all have those Facebook friends (or sad to say, we are that Facebook friend) who go about the networking job-hunt the completely wrong way. It’s a pity inducing, cringe worthy site to see. Whichever perspective you’re coming from, recruiter or job seeker, please beware of these four Facebook job seeker fails.

1) Hmmm, What’s Wrong With Them?

You know that person who is always looking for a new job, always posting how excited about they are about their new job, and then very quickly back to looking for a new job? They are sending the message that they are either unhireable, a job-hopper or a flake. Why would anyone grant this type a personal recommendation?

Offering a recommendation for someone who has trouble holding down a job means putting your professional name on the line for this person, and very few us are willing to do that (no matter how bad we feel).

Instead of status updates indicating that you are on the job hunt, send personalized messages to relevant contacts about relevant positions. Furthermore, if you’re having a hard go of holding down/finding a job, don’t make it public knowledge. Even if you’re the hardest working, most-skilled worker in the world and none of this hardship is actually your fault, it still looks badvery bad. Read more…