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Performance Review Tips

Originally posted on Peoplefluent.com December 11, 2013.

4 Reasons to Get Better at Documenting Employee Performance

medium_2908092283Employee performance reviews do tend to have that cringe inducing effect on the entire office. Management doesn’t enjoy giving them and employees don’t like receiving them. The general consensus about performance reviews is that they are forced and ineffective. When this is the attitude towards them, then that is exactly what they will be –forced and ineffective. With the right approach and attitude, performance reviews can be far more effective and far less cringe worthy.

1) True Assessments for a Tailored Workforce

A big reason that performance documentation leaves a bad taste in our mouths is because it is mainly used to document poor performance. Have you seen this performance review template? It could be helpful! No one pulls out a piece of paper, writes down what a great job you’re doing, gets you to sign it, shares it with their team and keeps it on file. Performance reviews and documentation shouldn’t just be about the negative side of a worker’s performance, it should largely be about identifying strengths and actually using them.

Keeping an eye on what workers are doing well and where they could improve allows management to align their workforce with workplace demands. Instead of harping on what a worker does poorly, perhaps identifying their strength and shifting their job duties would be helpful.

2) Transitioning Employees

Performance documentation is the first place that management will look when assessing the standing of an employee in the organization. This is a huge reason to keep accurate, consistent and unbiased performance documentation.

When layoffs, legal issues or an impending firing is on the line, this documentation will most likely be the difference in a person’s employment status. Layoffs have become a standard in business for companies that make an effort to align their workforce with their industry. They became pretty commonplace during the recession, and continue to be a harsh reality in business today. Assessing each employee in a downsizing is a lot easier and far more painless if management keeps proper documentation on everyone.

While documenting employee performance won’t keep companies out of the courtroom with a disgruntled ex-employee, it sure can help get them out faster and without damage. When performance is consistently documented, it is a lot harder for former employees to go through with lawsuits. Read more…

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