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#RedBranchWeekly: Beating the Odds with the Best Team

We’re in the midst of March Madness this week and it has us thinking a lot about odds. Especially since the odds of picking the perfect bracket in the tournament are 1 in 9,223,372,036,854,775,808. Those are really tiny odds. But what are the odds of beating out your competitors for that number one spot in the industry? Well, those are obviously dependent on a few factors but this week our clients have drafted up a few ways to make beating the odds better by hiring and onboarding great people, having a diverse team and making sure your leadership is up to par. Check out these articles for your best chances!


picking-the-best-employeeiRevü: What Are Your Odds of Hiring the Best Employee?

You are over 661 million times more likely to win the lottery than to choose a perfect bracket in March Madness. Good thing your odds of picking the best employee are not as extreme. Read more…



thought-diversityVitru: Thought Diversity: The New Definition of Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity. While it’s a hot topic today, the way society defines diversity is shifting. Studies find that Millennials believe diversity is focused more in experiential and thought differences. Diversity can be broken down into 3 parts. Learn what they are…



performance-management-processReviewsnap: Why Your Performance Appraisal Process Needs Better Leaders

Managers have a lot on their shoulders and having a successful performance appraisal process relies heavily on how it’s supported. Learn more…


onboarding-processClearCompany: 5 Tips to a Fresher Onboarding Process

Ah, onboarding: the breakfast of employment. No new hire should begin with a company without a balanced & well-planned onboarding program. Read more…


employee-onboarding-processClick Boarding: Are You Still Wasting Paper in the Employee Onboarding Process?

Each year, we produce enough paper waste to build a 12-foot high wall of paper from New York to California! This consumption of paper costs U.S. companies more than $120 billion a year. Learn more…


