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#RedBranchWeekly: It’s a Red Branch Holiday!

Red Branch Media Launch Party is Tonight!

If you’re in the Omaha area, you don’t want to miss it! We are kicking off the opening of our new office with an open house and combining it with our annual holiday party! What better way to spread holiday cheer than spending it with your friends, family, coworkers and clients! If you haven’t RSVP yet, don’t worry about it… the drinks and hors d’oeuvres have already been ordered, but we still need to see your smiling face.

Check out the official invite to the party here for the deets.

Now, let’s get down to business. This week, our clients hit it big with some great content. Check it out in the #RedBranchWeekly

GCultural-FitreenJobInterview: Functional vs. Cultural Fit: Hiring Beyond the Interview

Hiring for cultural fit is a popular term amongst HR professionals and recruiters. While the latest trends tell us to hire for personality, hiring decision makers can’t ignore a lack of skill or training when assessing a candidate’s fit for a position, especially those that ubiquitously require brand new hires to “hit the ground running”. Read more…




HRBroadbean: 4 Things HR Just Shouldn’t Do On Its Own

The HR department is no longer the silent silo that it once was. HR professionals aren’t seen as the paper pushers down the hall; their roles are diversifying and they are taking on responsibilities that weren’t part of traditional HR job requirements just 5 years ago. The fact is they just can’t do it alone. Read more…






QuitClearCompany: The Most Common “I Quit” Motivators and What to Do About Them

There are many different types of turnover; some are welcome, and some aren’t. When a consistently poor performer with a bad attitude is replaced with an employee who excels, that’s the kind of turnover you want to see. However, that’s not always what happens. Very often, turnover can have some seriously negative effects on the organization.




Recruiterbox: TGIF? Why Friday is Not the Best Day to Post Job Advertisements

It’s the end of the workweek. Some people in the office leave a little early to get a jumpstart on their weekend plans; some people didn’t even come in because of their flex schedules. Friday for the average professional is a godsend. For job postings on the other hand, the end of the week doesn’t ring the same bell as it should. Fridays were once the ideal time for job postings. Read more…




Gender GapVisibility Software: Gender Gaps in Workplace Mentor Programs

It’s rude to let someone walk around with a piece of spinach in their teeth from lunch, right? Well, there’s a piece of spinach in your training and mentorship program. Although there have been great advances in closing the gender gap, it’s still present in some aspects of the workplace. Mentoring programs are still affected by the gap. Read more…