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Top 10 #TalentAcquisition Tweets From Last Week

If you’re not sure what talent acquisition is, it’s the process of finding and acquiring skilled human labor for organizational needs and to meet any labor requirements. These strategies are the key to an organization’s stability and growth. We’ve put together our top ten tweets surrounding the subject to give you the low-down on talent acquisition trends.

Check out these awesome #TalentAcquisition tweets from last week: Click To Tweet

How are companies using assessments to hire smarter?

Talent Tech Labs focuses on finding and engaging top talent. TTL laid out their predictions for talent acquisition technology at the beginning of January, calling this the year of assessments. They believe the next step in talent acquisition is determining cultural fit and if the candidate possesses the ability to support organizations with the talent they claim.

All aboard the onboarding train!

With modern networks spanning the globe, more companies are open to expanding their talent acquisition search and hire remote employees. However, some organizations find it difficult to train and onboard remote employees. HiringThing came up with 4 tips to help.

The decisions of the HR department can make or break a company.

Businesses are typically focused on two things: improving productivity and increasing profits. Yep, that means companies need to be implementing good #TalentAcquisition practices!

Get talent moving.

Companies spend more time than ever before finding talent and making good hires. Did you know the average time it takes to hire an employee in the US increased from 12.6 days to 22.9 days?

What is agile talent?

The need for agile talent is rising. Many leading companies are now implementing it in this highly demanding and rapidly changing work environment. Agile talent is workers who don’t like to be pinned down to one company and prefer being their own bosses.

How important is talent acquisition?

Do we really know how important talent acquisition is to organizations? Workology believes researching the history behind talent acquisition will help measure future talent.

Recruiters and talent acquisition go hand-in-hand.

The relationship between a recruiter and hiring manager is an interesting one. Both roles are a necessity to making a strategic and suitable hire, yet it’s not uncommon to struggle with finding the right balance when searching for talent.

Here is what NOT to do when recruiting top talent.

Finding top talent is harder than ever. Attracting candidates and retaining current employees is a lot like attracting and retaining customers. This tweet will help you breeze through the recruitment process and help sharpen your talent acquisition process.  

Recruitment vs talent acquisition. What is the difference?

There is a fundamental difference between recruitment and talent acquisition, but the fact that they often get mixed up perhaps explains why so many companies are currently suffering from an acute talent shortage.

Should CEOs be involved in the talent acquisition search?

The task of finding the best new talent is one of the hardest challenges facing any business today. Have you ever wondered what businesses without a full HR department do? Many of these businesses rely on assistance from a trusted recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) partner.