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2017 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch

Now that January is officially here, it’s time for our annual look at the next 12 months. As with every year, marketers and influencers all over are making their marketing predictions and we’re no different! It’s time to look back, analyze and predict what trends we expect to see in 2017, all for the hope it will help you better prepare and properly plan your digital marketing strategies.

#DYK the AI market will grow from $420 million in 2014 to $5.05 billion by 2020? More here: Share on X


Everyone has said mobile is going to become more commonly used than desktop devices and trends are still pointing in that direction. According to official Google statements, more than 50% of search queries globally now come from mobile devices. Remember, when planning your mobile marketing strategy, consider your mobile target audience. As a marketer, you have unique insight into your customers and their behaviors. You should consider the behaviors of your target audience and how their searching/surfing capabilities change throughout the day. Thanks to the mobile data available, you can customize your efforts to target your audience where they are and for what they are doing at specific times.

Chatbots and AI

An increasing number of bots that use artificial intelligence and data crumbs are now better able to respond to and even anticipate consumer behavior. Markets and Markets estimates that the AI market will grow from $420 million in 2014 to $5.05 billion by 2020. Where possible, use this technology to allow for the personalized interaction that consumers want.

Related Reading: 3 Myths Surrounding AI Debunked


The success of games like Pokémon Go is just a small glimpse into the future of geo-locational marketing. Especially in the way of GPS supported technology that can react to their location-based movements. For example, Target’s Cartwheel app knows when the user has entered a store and pushes notifications for a more optimal in-store experience. Be looking for opportunities to use this type of technology as consumers are excited to adopt and ready to try new things.

Video content/ Live Streaming

Video has become so important in marketing. 90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is helpful in the decision process. Video reaches out and grabs your audience’s attention. Especially with auto-play features.

90% of users say that seeing a video about a product is helpful in the decision process. Read THIS: Share on X

Live streaming video will also dramatically increase in popularity, which will certainly be beneficial. As technology continues to advance, social media users are demanding more real-time content, making it faster and easier to consume. With mobile technology advancing as quickly as it is, live video has started to become its own trend and one that doesn’t appear to be dropping anytime soon.

While Facebook Live is already making its mark, there are other mobile apps and platforms that make it easy to live stream video, like Periscope and Instagram, to name a few. This new technology trend will really take off in 2017, giving digital marketers and business owners a great way to get their brand in front of a new audience and strengthen their connection with their current customer base.

Related Reading: Design 101: Creating Quality B2B Videos… Fast

Programmatic Advertising

If you’ve been paying attention, you along with the majority of marketers have heard of programmatic advertising. Programmatic advertising or marketing is the algorithmic purchase and sale of advertising space in real-time. During this process, software is used to automate the buying, placement and optimization of media inventory via a bidding system. Automating the process means that it can be done in real-time and doesn’t rely on humans, manual insertions or manual trading. IAB estimates that by 2018 programmatic spend will have grown from 28% in 2013 to over 80% of marketing spend.

Native advertising

Expect to see an upswing in native advertising in 2017. The formats are getting better and becoming more improved. If you tested native advertising or waited for everyone else to test it, you might feel more comfortable with trying it now. More major publishers are likely to start offering this method of advertising in 2017 because users feel like they are being shown ads that don’t apply to them. In 2016, 56% of total U.S. display ad revenue was spent on native advertising. Business Insider Intelligence predicts this will increase to 74% by 2021.

Those are our predictions for the biggest digital marketing trends for 2017. If you think we are missing something big, leave us a message in the comments below.

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