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6 Things You Should Know Before Starting Your Workweek (Oct. 5)

Here all the things that happened last week and you should definitely know about them to get your workweek started!

What…the Hell?

Can we discuss the fact that this is an INSANE idea? Feeps or peeps or peeple is a real dumb plan. One, it will be gamed by idiots and assholes almost immediately. Two, of COURSE it’s a recruiter that created it. Look, I get it, it would be great to see what kind of people you are going to date/meet/hire/join a kickball league with but the idea of rating my friends like “5 Stars GREAT friend, WOULD FRIEND AGAIN!” is bollocks. (WaPo)


Man, as if it weren’t enough that Sweden is all gorgeous and educated and TALL, they gotta run this too? Congrats Sweden, you’re now officially the person at the party that…everyone still likes because let’s face it, you’re gorgeous. But shifting to a 6-hour workday is making employers ’round here look real bad. (Science Alert)


Is now at Bersin by Deloitte. DAAAAANNNNNNG. Seriously, when Heather Bussing first came on the scene a few years ago, her unique blend of common sense and sharp legal mind combined with a no-BS tolerance that makes everyone love her EVEN MORE was a breath of fresh air. Today, she’s one of the most heralded and sought after voices on the scene and it’s no wonder. Her work on HRExaminer has shaped the opinions of many new entrants to the HR scene and under her editorial oversight, many new writers have been discovered. Her role as an analyst at Bersin by Deloitte will only cement her as one of the most important voices in our space. (Facebook)

Feel the BEAN

Broadbean is importing some excellent talent and a former partner in crime of mine, Josh Akers. Formerly of Equest, Beyond and Jibe, among others, Akers client and employer list reads like a who’s who of recruiting technology solutions. An expert in recruitment data collection and compliance, he is a killer addition to any team! (I have my sources.)


So last week, we saw a guy sext a woman who had just interviewed him. Twice. THIS WEEK, we have a woman sending a Snapchat of her Snapple to her boss, who…responded. No one knows if it’s real life, but I think we’ve gone beyond with social media. It’s time to say that some social networks need to stay between friends and NOT be appropriated for work or interviewing…although then what would we do about cell phone numbers? (Elite Daily)


So I read this piece about culture and started to write an article and then I was like NAW. SO here’s that:
Of course, cultural fit, is a loaded term. And of course, too much of a good thing can really damage a company (I’m looking at you free, unlimited beer!) But cultural fit is NOT what people seem to think. It is certainly not THIS:
Culture is how you write and phrase your job ads. Culture is whether you’re looking for rock stars or want to build a great team and help people grow. Culture is how you pay your people. Culture is how a CEO behaves towards their team and in public. Culture is how leadership fosters and drives change. Culture is how you treat your customers. Culture is how you treat your team. Culture is how open you are to changing the status quo. Culture is a team that only consists of white dudes in their late twenties.
Culture is that ping pong table in your office. Culture are all those free and unhealthy soft drinks that your company keeps in the fridge. Culture is serving your team breakfast or lunch (or both?) every day to make sure they’re in the office for as long as possible. Culture is talking about commitment issues when someone on your team needs to leave early because they have children to take care of.

The author of this passage goes on to unpack why hiring for cultural fit may be a bad idea. And I completely disagree with his notion of what cultural fit means. All of the above may contribute to culture but culture is made up many, MANY other things and a leader needs to be intentional in how they create that culture while knowing, they cannot control it. (Paper planes)