3 Minute Read

#6Things: Blockchain Insight that Won’t Make You Sleepy + I Am Groot

By Maren Hogan:

Best. Resume. Ever.

I am Groot. (via Amybeth Quinn)

I am groot resumeIn this #6Things: I AM GROOT and the best. #Resume. EVER. Share on X

Do you have a bullshit job?

Don’t answer that! (via MaryEllen Slayter)

According to author David Graber, a bullshit job is:

“Bullshit jobs are jobs which even the person doing the job can’t really justify the existence of, but they have to pretend that there’s some reason for it to exist. That’s the bullshit element. A lot of people confuse bullshit jobs and shit jobs, but they’re not the same thing.”

He gives examples of corporate lawyers, brand managers and administrative jobs. Good work AI, maybe you can save us from our bullshit selves! (Vox)

Is your job meaningful? @MESlayter shared this @Vox post that might help you decide? Share on X

OK technically, I got to this idea two days too late

Robin Schooling beat me to this awesome #HROS discussion wherein someone asked about cool benefits to spruce up their benefits offerings. Boy howdy, did the HROS community deliver. DYK you can totally offer pet insurance for NOTHING, employers? Well, you can!

Want to improve your #EmployeeBenefits package? @RobinSchooling and the #HROS has great ideas: Share on X

WOW. That’s less time than it takes to have a baby

You can become a machine learning engineer in just 6 months (via Shane Mac). According to this site:

“The ML/AI market will grow from $420 million in 2014 to an estimated $5.05 billion by 2020!”

Seems crazy but check it out! Class starts in 3 days! (Udacity)

Become a #MachineLearning engineer in 6 months? @udacity is making it possible! Check the details shared by @ShaneMac here: Share on X

Don’t be boring

Or I assume that is the alternate headline for this Fast Company article shared by Dave Weinberg on how to be a great storyteller. It took me YEARS to learn how to do this in public speaking. In real life, I am a hoot. (FastCo)

#6Things: Did you miss this great @FastCo read shared by @daveweinberg? If you’re a public speaker, you’ll want to catch this! Share on X

This gal is smart as hell

(via Maren Hogan)

HRExaminer posted something about blockchain that’s totally worth reading. Check it. (HRExaminer)

Will blockchain actually affect #Talent Acquisition and other important questions answered in @marenhogan’s #6Things! @hrexaminer Share on X