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Kristine’s Cartoons: When the CEO is Also the Web Team Lead…

Editor’s Note: You’ve probably wondered who the design team behind the incredible websites, white papers and email templates is here at Red Branch Media. Well, in fact, it’s a dynamic duo of Kristine Osbourne and Kyle Christensen. You’ve already read the stylings of Kyle in the Design 101 series, now prepare yourselves for the hand-drawn cartoons of Kristine.
You may have heard that Red Branch Media is growing. We are! But no matter how big we get, Maren still inserts her big butt, I mean hair, into every single thing here at the Branch. Some might call it micromanagement but those people would get fired so, we’ll call it active management. In fact, CEOs that are involved with their internal teams are not so unusual.
Consider that CEOs spent 42% of their time with other employees, leaving little time to get their own work done and that 42% winds up being a lot because the average tech CEO works about 300 days a year, 14 hours a day. That’s 4,200 hours a year. It’s no wonder Maren thinks we can do things in ten minutes! She can 🙂 And it’s a good thing too, because overall, only 14% of all CEOs and 12% of company presidents are women, according to a study of over 800,000 companies by Infogroup.