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#RedBranchWeekly: Quick Reads to Get Inspired at Work

By Marissa Litty:

A new season is upon us and you know what that means… Wardrobe changes, reorganization and, dare I say, vacations? Maybe I’m alone, but the newness of a changing season always has me excited about things like decor updates and revisiting those traditions I love but had to leave behind for a few months. Whether it’s sunny summer breezes (like we’re having now) or brisk fall temperatures, staying inspired at work can be hard when there’s so much potential outside of the office. However, you can always count on Red Branch and our partners to bring you the work inspiration you need to hit those deadlines.

This week, we’re looking at a diverse mix, but that’s because everyone has different needs when it comes to lighting the inspiration fire.

Need a little inspirational boost at work or in your #career? Get #inspired with #RedBranchWeekly: Share on X

Inspire Software: Which Hollywood Leader Are You When it Comes to Feedback?

hollywood sign mountains skyQUIZ ALERT. Do you scoff at weird Buzzfeed quizzes only to find yourself 6 questions in and angry that it says you’re a Hufflepuff when clearly you’re in Gryffindor? Well, I can confidently say this quiz will be just as engrossing, but also filled with interesting insight into your personal leadership style. And, because Inspire Software has expertise in the psychological side of leadership, you’ll even learn a little bit about your gifts and what you should work on for your team’s benefit. So, what leader are you?

#RedBranchWeekly: What's your #Leadership style? Take the @InspireSoftware quiz to find out: Share on X

Talent Tech Labs: Building the Future: A Deeper Look at Blockchain

development team blockchain technology leader kanbanSome of us need a little glimpse into the future to feel inspired in our work. If you’re one of those who love to hear about the latest trends in talent acquisition, you won’t have to look any further than Talent Tech Labs. In this post, the TTL team takes discusses the latest topic in business: blockchain. If tired of hearing about blockchain, then you’re not paying enough attention to the future of business. There isn’t really an area of our digital lives that won’t be impacted by this technology and this article takes a pretty deep look at just how far implications could run. Of course, there will be challenges. Those are also discussed here, so get your critical thinking cap and join the conversation.

#RedBranchWeekly: What's all this talk about #blockchain anyway? @TalentTechLabs gives the scoop: Share on X

ClearCompany: Integrating SMS Text Recruiting

people park bench SMS textingAnd if fun quizzes and trending discussions aren’t quite as inspiring as new tech and tools, this is the read for you. Take a look at how SMS text recruiting platforms are helping employers meet the needs of the current and incoming workforce. The post features enlightening statistics alongside commentary on the generational influences of tool effectiveness.

There's a new tool that's changing the way we hire talent. Learn all about it with @ClearCompany's post in #RedBranchWeekly: Share on X

Did you read something that changed your perspective on work? Fill us in on Twitter @RedBranch!