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Funny Name. Serious Mission. RecruitersRecruitingRecruiters.com Story

A few weeks ago…actually 20 days to be exact, Chris Hoyt from CareerXRoads asked if I wanted to be part of something really special. When I said yes, he began laying out the vision he, Gerry Crispin, Roy Baladi, and Brad Cook had laid out.

In less than 24 hours, I was on a call with a group of 15, that grew bigger with every day. People with Talent Acquisition roles at companies like United, EY, Marriott, Hilton, Uber, and Amazon (to name drop a few) and HRTech whizzes like SmartRecruiters’ Roy Baladi, the genius behind JobsForLebanon; Brad Cook, a longtime industry expert, and Consider.com CEO Ralph Rabbat, plus advocates at GR8 People, The Talent Board, and MANY more.

Together, we outlined what is now called RecruitersRecruitingRecruiters.com — who it was for, how we’d create it, and what made it different from the other amazing efforts we saw springing up in the community around us.


We landed on:

  • Just jobs for recruiters for now
  • A focus on candidate experience
  • Employers committed to a code of conduct
  • A focused, singular mission

The goal was to get companies and recruiters back on track. When recruiters get back to work, we all get back to work, became an unofficial tagline, keeping us focused on our goal, even as all our “idea people” got excited about the possibilities presented to us from the technology team.

Red Branch Media’s part in the effort was simple, make a website, make a video, get the word out. Our team has never made a site quite this fast, and I am incredibly proud of the work the Branchers produced. We had a lot of help from industry friends, including logo assistance from Edwin Baladi from Axa Advisors, and Annette DeHaven from GR8 People and a jump start on the website from Justin Koopmans.

A few weeks ago, @MarenHogan was asked to be part of something really special, with a simple but ambitious goal: to get companies and recruiters back on track. Enter: Recruiters Recruiting Recruiters. Take a look on the @RedBranch blog: Share on X

One key difference in this initiative is that it’s focused only on employers who agree to a code of conduct created by Gerry Cripsin, Chris Hoyt and the rest of the core steering team. Lots of TA leaders weighed in on how they could measure candidate experience and what they thought made sense during the difficult and busy times we’re all working within.

All of us realized that because our industry is awesome, we weren’t the only ones with a desire to try to help job candidates, employers, and recruiters specifically out. One of our key guiding principles was the Golden Rule, loosely translated into a CX guiding light. Virtually everyone involved in the project made some corollary to the last big recession and dip in the recruitment space, helping ensure our goals and ideas were focused on long-term success.

We know our project is a drop in the bucket, but we’re proud of it for many reasons. First, we think it really will help. It’s not the biggest job board or aggregator out there, and it’s not the only place recruiters and TA pros can go for resources. In fact, the resources page is compiling other worthy projects, ideas, collaborations, and initiatives as we speak to attempt to shine a light on the many resources available within our community and beyond.

Plus we got to work together 🙂 And it was kinda fun too!