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13 Stats To Prove the Worth of Recruitment Automation

Red Branch Media writes over 1000 content pieces annually about HR and Recruiting Processes, including recruitment automation. We scour the internet for HR statistics that will support our educational and informational content on candidate sourcing.

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Recruiting automation is a category of technology that allows companies to automate recruiting tasks and workflows to increase recruiter productivity, accelerate time-to-fill, reduce cost-per-hire and build a robust candidate pipeline at their organization. Recruitment Automation, Machine Learning, and recruitment process automation, in general, has become all the rage within the last few years in the HR landscape as HR Leaders learn that the tedious aspects of their jobs can be done efficiently with technology, giving them their time back to focus on human-centric recruitment duties.

#RecruitmentAutomation has become all the rage in the talent acquisition community for good reason. Get a grasp on the state of #AIRecruiting with these stats on the @RedBranch blog: Share on X


  • In 2018 67% of hiring managers and recruiters surveyed by LinkedIn said AI was saving them time. (Source)
  • 35% of talent professionals and hiring managers say that AI is the top trend impacting how they hire. (Source)
  • Recruiters using AI found it to be most helpful with Sourcing Candidates (58%), Screening Candidates (56%) and Nurturing Candidates (55%). (Source)
  • 80% of executives believe AI can improve productivity and performance. (Source)
  • Seventeen percent of organizations use AI-based solutions in their HR function and another 30% will do so by 2022, according to the Gartner 2019 Artificial Intelligence Survey. (Source)
  • 38% of organizations are focusing their AI efforts on talent acquisition.  (Source)
  • 25% of today’s candidates apply for 10 or more jobs; the average number of applications received for a single position rose 39% between 2012 and 2018. Additionally, recruiters must now weed through larger pools of poor-fit candidates — 72% of applications are considered low- to average-quality. (Source)
  • Early adopters of AI-powered recruiting software reported that their cost per screen decreased by 75% and turnover reduced by 35%. These were good signs that indicated the positive effects of implementing AI in the recruitment process way back in 2017. (Source)
  • 61% of those surveyed in Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends Survey, 2019 found that recruitment’s biggest challenge is finding qualified experienced hires.  (Source)
  • As another example, Mya, one of the leading providers of AI-based chatbots for recruiting, has been able to reduce the time it takes to screen candidates by 30–50 percent or more, often giving recruiters days or a week of extra time to spend on outbound recruiting, interviewing, and other high-value activities. (Source)
  • One-third (32%) of surveyed recruiters report that, at their organization, 50% or more of open roles are hired as remote workers. (Source)
  • 36% of recruiters believe AI makes their jobs better. (Source)
  • AI also helps deliver a positive candidate experience, which has become the expected norm for the majority of candidates, according to the 2020 Job Seeker Nation Survey.  (Source)


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