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SEO Quick Tip Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, your favorite day. AKA: SEO Quick Tip day! When talking SEO, ultimately you need to stay on top of your stuff. This means paying attention to your website, what’s on it/linked to it and being honest. Consider Google to be a significant other. Basically, be as straightforward as possible and for the love of all that is mighty, don’t cheat! There’s no such thing as an easy way out here. If Google finds out you’re being sketch, sorry, but you’re SOL. Read up on the latest…


Content that is able to be understood by a 13-15-year-old scores between 60 & 70. You can check your site readability by visiting: http://readability-score.com. While we normally target to CEOs and candidates, we can still try ranking high for readability by writing fluently and correctly.


Posting to a blog on a regular schedule ranks high in SEO. (Hello, EdCal <3). Infrequent or spotty posting makes your site go down in ranks.

Blog aggregators

Submitting your blog link to blog aggregators is a great way to earn high-quality backlinks. Some quality-proven sites to submit to:

Link Building Tips

What not to do: link swapping and link trading. It’s time-consuming and obvious to Google, therefore, it’s a waste of company time. Do not pay for links, as this is against the terms of Google. Doing so puts your site at risk for being caught, leading you straight to the bottom.

What to do: it’s simple. Acquire links naturally and evenly throughout time.

Directory links: While directory links are highly ranked, you should not let them make up more than 10-20% of your links. They must be linked to relevant and quality sites for this to work.

Finding directory links: Google this:

  • keyword + submit
  • keyword + add url
  • keyword + directory
  • keyword + resources

For more SEO tips, read my inspire: SEO 2016 and check back here on Tuesdays for more quick tips!