By Alison Wurth:
It’s no secret that high-volume recruiting is challenging and comes with quite a bit of pressure. You’re looking for the very best talent but there’s a catch – you need them in mass. That’s not to say that it can’t be done and be done well.
Tackling the daunting task of filling upwards of 100 open positions could seem unrealistic, but that is the nature of the beast. With the right team preparation, pointed screening questions and focus on candidate experience – you’ve got this in the bag. In this Weekly, get prepared for your next high-volume recruiting event in these posts from our partners at Oleeo, ClearCompany and!
You need to hire in mass, but you also need the best of the best in this tight candidate pool. Find out how you can crush high-volume #recruiting in this #RedBranchWeekly! Share on XOleeo: Navigating High-Volume Hiring Events in a Candidate-Driven Market
At high-volume hiring events, the name of the game is standing out. In this candidate-driven market, it is imperative that you show off exactly what makes your organization better than the rest. The experts at Oleeo have everything you need to know for navigating these events. From prepping your team, engaging with a large pool of candidates effectively, using the right metrics and much more – this article is a sure-fire way to get your hiring team ready. But don’t take my word for it. Take a look and prepare your team to bring on a new batch of top talent that will make your organization soar.
ClearCompany: 10 Unique Candidate Screening Questions You Should Always Ask
The trouble with high-volume recruitment? Making each hire count. You need talent and you need them now. But it is crucial to screen each candidate to make certain they will be a rock star on their new team. How? Thankfully, ClearCompany has done the work for you. They’ve put together a list of 10 screening questions that will help you get down to brass tacks and find the best of the best. For example, “Why did you choose us?” and, “Who inspires you?” These are just a couple of the bold questions that you need to really get to know your potential new hire. Take a look and get one step closer to quality high-volume recruiting. Ensuring a Great Candidate Experience in High-Volume Recruiting

Candidate experience is so crucial for high-volume recruiting in a candidate-driven market. Plain and simple. As we see the job market shift in the candidate’s favor, you need to dive deep into your recruiting process to make sure candidates are having a positive experience from beginning to end. The people at know candidate experience. It’s one of the best perks of chatbots! So take it from them when they say, “Hiring in mass does not need to be a mess.”
If you're hiring in mass, candidate experience may not be your priority. In this #RedBranchWeekly, shows you why it should be! Share on XWhat is your secret to high-volume recruiting? Tell us on Twitter @RedBranch!