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How to Become the Most Social Recruiter in 4 Steps

Social RecruiterBehind all the robust tech, marketing tactics and hacks, networking and reach are the foundation of great recruiting. A recruiter’s social web is a strong asset that takes constant upkeep. The following are some best practices from myself and other HR and recruiting pros.

Your Email Signature on Steroids

A good rule of thumb when updating your email signature: More is more! Now don’t get crazy, that rule only pertains to relevant information. No one needs a twitter update from your dog. Be sure to include the following:


Phone Number

The rest are best included with clickable icons to keep things sharp looking and easy for the eye to navigate. Icons keep your signature from becoming cluttered and messy looking. Check out how I use icons at the end of my signature to ensure that anyone can reach me across any medium.

LinkedIn Hacks

As of mid-February 2014, there were about 277 million LinkedIn users, 84 million of which are in the US. As the largest and fastest growing online professional network, keeping your LinkedIn profile up to snuff is crucial in successful networking. MarketMeSuite recently came out with an awesome infographic, 17 LinkedIn Profile Must-Haves. These tips cover it all, but here are the highlights that will help expand your reach.

Use keywords: Make sure your profile appears in search results by searching on keywords, looking at the top results and noting the location and frequency of keywords.

Brand your professional headline: Include information designed to encourage your potential visitors to find out more about you.

Get Connected: If you don’t have enough connections, you simply might not show up on as many LI searches as a second-degree connection, as you should.

Make yourself contactable: Provide your email address and/or links to Twitter and Facebook.

Stop Being Boring or Annoying on Social Media

Want clicks, likes and shares? Give your audience something worth engagement! There is more information out there on best practices than you can imagine and it can be overwhelming to find the right social media balance. A great reference is a post on ERE from Sean Pomeroy (@Sean_Pomeroy) of Visibility Software; he outlines 7 FAQs on social recruiting that are also great guidelines for simply increasing your social reach and engagement. Here are some highlights:

Where to find images: Pomeroy notes that images rule on social. He said, “Photopin is a great, free site with a wide variety of pictures. Don’t forget to include the credits!”

Most and least effective times of the day to post: Pomeroy directs us to a Fannit infographic that outlines these times for each social network and more.

The frequency of posting: 2-5 times a day per network. Much more will get annoying to your audience, much less will fail to reach most people getting online at different times.

Getting people to share: Simply using the phrase, “Please ReTweet” will drastically increase the likely hood of a Twitter post getting shared.

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Click here to view the original article on PeopleFluent.

photo credit: iansand via photopin cc