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#Podcast: No One Sets Goals Like A Marketer

By Maren Hogan:

These days, there are so many articles about goal setting. Each one claiming they have the secret ingredient to achieving those hard to reach objectives. There is no magical way to achieve any of your ambitions. That’s why you should set goals like a marketer.

Stop getting overwhelmed about how far your goals seem and start setting goals like a marketer. @MarenHogan spills on the entire process from beginning to end in the latest @RedBranch #Podcast! Share on X

We see everything in funnel form. From beginning to end. But, what exactly does that mean? When it comes to goals, we get granular, practical and we never skip out on time management. Listen in on the secret, the format and how you get can get in on it all. Start setting your goals like a marketer!

In this Episode, You’ll Learn…

  • How to set granular goals the way marketers do
  • How to budget your time as closely as your money
  • How to set your stages & close your goals
Forget all those articles about the perfect solution for reaching your #goals & start setting goals like a #marketer. @MarenHogan breaks down how it’s done: Share on X

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