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#RedBranchWeekly: COVID Crisis: How to Handle Remote Work in an Uncertain Time

It’s all over the news. COVID-19. Coronavirus. Myriad other names. We’re all facing the same challenges, and many of us feel worried or scared. But even through uncertainty, it’s possible to stay calm and handle this crisis in stride. All non-frontline workers are logging on to work from home and keep our coworkers and communities safe, and employees will be looking to their managers and leaders to set the tone and forge the path to our new normal.

For More on COVID-19 and Working From Home: COVID-19 Resource Pack

So what does that mean? Maybe your firm is used to working from home, or maybe this is time to learn something new. Whatever the case may be, this week’s #RedBranchWeekly has you covered. This week we have articles from our partners at Caliper Corp, ClearCompany, and Inspire Software about how best to tackle this situation.

Does COVID-19 have your team working from home? Hear from our partners at @CaliperCorp, @ClearCompany, and @InspireSoftware on how to effectively manage your team when they’re out of the office. Share on X

Caliper Corp: You’re Suddenly Managing Remote Teams, Now What?

Working from home

If you’re new to working from home, it can be a culture shock. Suddenly you’re on your own, outside of the office and away from your coworkers. As a result of COVID-19’s spread, this has become a must for most businesses, whether they’re prepared or not:

“Before the pandemic 69% of businesses already allowed employees to work from home, at least occasionally. Now, most organizations have no choice but to ask everyone to work on remote teams until further notice. While many businesses were already headed towards more remote employees, no one knows how things will ultimately play out in this uncertain time, and it could mark a decidedly different future for the workplace.”

There are steps to help make this transition a little easier and more manageable. Make sure you communicate with your team often and ensure they know what you expect from them now that they’re out of office. To further prepare and adjust, check out Caliper Corp’s article on the subject here.

If you’re new to working from home, these tips from @CaliperCorp can help you adjust. Read more in this week’s #RedBranchWeekly. Share on X

ClearCompany: Here’s What We’ve Learned From Our First Two Weeks Working From Home

Working from home

Not sure how working from home is going to turn out? If this is new territory for you, that’s understandable. ClearCompany asked their employees what they’ve been discovering about how to work successfully from home, and their findings may help you out:

“These are unprecedented times, but amongst the uncertainty, there’s one silver lining: We’re all in this together. Like many businesses across the globe, ClearCompany has sent our team home to work from a safe distance. The transition from a shared office to an at-home workspace isn’t always easy, but we’re discovering new ways to make it better every day. We’ve asked our colleagues and coworkers to share ways they found success while working and managing remotely.”

In ClearCompany’s new article, they go through what they’ve experienced during the last 2 weeks, and give some handy tips of their own. If you’re unsure, look at their experience and suggestions. Hopefully, that will calm your nerves and spark some bright ideas.

@ClearCompany sent their employees home 2 weeks ago, what were the results? Learn from them and more in this week’s #RedBranchWeekly. Share on X

Inspire Software: How to Manage Burnout During a Crisis

Avoiding burnout

Now that you’re settled in and have your own workspace, things are moving along. But be careful, burnout is all but inevitable for remote employees:

“With much of the workforce moving to work-from-home for an indiscernible amount of time, employers are trying to keep their people happy, healthy, and productive while everyone adjusts to their new settings. Burnout and loneliness are a big challenge for remote workers — 82% report feeling frazzled from the stress and pressure of proving their worth from afar.”

During this pandemic, it can be hard to remember to take care of yourself. When burnout strikes, productivity goes down. Fortunately, Inspire Software has a neat infographic with ideas to help you avoid burnout.

Working from home has quickly become the new norm. But how can you avoid burning out when you’re trying to prove yourself? @InspireSoftware has the answers here in this week’s #RedBranchWeekly. Share on X

Want to see your company covered in a future #RedBranchWeekly? Get in touch with us @RedBranch!