Are you getting ready for HR Tech this weekend? A few Branchers will be there so be sure to keep a look out for them! This edition of the Red Branch Weekly has you covered when it’s time to get prepared and sharpen up your HR tech terminology and knowledge. Vitru discusses how managers can use HR tech, like team building software, to hire. Click Boarding talks about employee onboarding solutions and how they could fix your broken talent bridge. Finally, Reviewsnap gives a full-scale approach to building a high-performance organization. Need to absorb more knowledge before the trip? Keep on scrolling…
P.S. Don’t forget to hit up Reviewsnap at the conference over at booth #1744!

Vitru: How Managers Can Use Team Building Software to Hire
Mark the Manager is a mid-sr level manager in his 40s. Truth is, Mark thought he’d be a Director or VP by now, but he’s not. On the other hand, Mark is very good at what he does and he has a family of three to support. What kind of manager is Mark and how could team building software help him? Find out…

Click Boarding: Employee Onboarding Solution: The Talent Bridge That’s Broken
In the recruitment and HR worlds, we spend a lot of time talking about talent acquisition. How do we acquire talent? How can we get them to come aboard? What will entice them to take the job? So it’s a wonder that we spend so little time planning the onboarding process. Here’s how to fix the broken talent bridge…

Reviewsnap: A Full-Scale Approach to Building a High-Performance Organization
After all of these professional conversations about developing high-performance teams and HiPo employees – once you’ve hired them – how do you maintain that culture of performance? Making sure everything runs harmoniously is the first step in making this happen. Check out more tips here…

Recruiterbox: What to do When a Candidate Declines Your Offer
When a candidate makes it through your applicant tracking system, interviews well, and fits your corporate culture, hiring them might seem like a no-brainer. But sometimes it’s not that easy. They could turn you down. Then what do you do? Find out more…

Visibility Software: What’s Keeping Your CEO Up at Night?
Managers are concerned with the performance of their teams, CEOs on the other hand, have a lot more to worry about. Typically, we think of senior leadership as primarily concerned with the business, revenue and even the reputation of the organization. However, that’s not always the case. Executives are also worried about how their team functions as a whole and how individual growth and understanding plays into the bigger picture. See what’s keeping your CEO up, and it’s not the stock market…

The Olson Group: What You Need to Know About 1095c/1094c Forms
Show the IRS that you take the new 1094c and 1095c forms seriously by following the lead of other tax-savvy organizations and filing on time with a complete understanding of how these forms work, why they were created and what they replace when it comes to your employees. Check out what you need to know to stay caught up…

ClearCompany: Bad Hire Red Flags: 3 Enlightening Sourcing Techniques
The cost of a bad hire goes beyond monetary value. Productivity, employee morale, and client relationships can all be affected. Have you ever interviewed someone who was perfect on paper, glided through the interview process, and six months into the job seemed to be on everyone’s last nerve for a number of valid reasons? Learn how to use sourcing to catch these red flags…