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#RedBranchWeekly: Say Hello to Better Recruitment and Happier Employees

Are you ready for better recruitment and happier employees? We thought so. Say hello to your answers! This week in the we have the best tips and tricks from our clients on just how to make that happen. Broadbean gave us the answers we’re looking for with questions. Asking the right questions to improve recruitment, that is. ClearCompany told us all about balance to ensure everyone is happy, like your employees. Vitru came out to tell us hello with their personality assessment and to say goodbye to the Myers-Briggs, to help better your organization and improve teams. Craving some more? Keep on scrolling…


RecruitmentBroadbean: Improve Recruitment Practices By Asking the Right Recruitment Questions

Big data. It’s been discussed, debated and demoed ad nauseum.But think about it… what good is the data (whether you like the idea or not) if you’re not getting enough information to ask the right questions. Find out if you are asking the right questions to improve recruitment practices…


Employee-Development-NeedsClearCompany: Balancing Employee Development Needs to Make Everyone Happy

In this space, we are uniquely (and sometimes falsely) positioned between upper management and frontline employees. It’s not your job to play mediator between disgruntled employees and frustrated managers, but it likely feels like it. See how you can employee balance development needs to make everyone happy…


Personality-AssessmentVitru: Goodbye Myers-Briggs, Hello Vitru Personality Assessment

Humans like to categorize. We synthesize data and place the information into named boxes in our minds. A handy adaptation to quickly fathom the world and all its abstracts, this process is not without its shortcomings. Check out Vitru’s Personality Assessment and how it can help you adapt…


Recruiting-ProcessRecruiterbox: 3 Top Qualities of Collaborative Recruiting Processes

When it comes to staffing, one bad hire is expensive. In fact, 41 percent of respondents reported that it costs more than $25,000; another 25 percent said it exceeds $50,000. Traditionally, hiring has been handled almost exclusively by the HR and recruiting departments. See how a collaborate effort could help you…


Workplace-PerksThe Olson Group: Are Workplace Perks Masking the Need for Employee Benefits?

There’s nothing wrong with a little foosball after the free lunch you just gave your employees. That might appeal to the younger Millennials working in your office, but what about the rest of your employees? They might be worried about the benefits you’re offering besides the foosball. Learn more about this…


New-Hire-OnboardingClick Boarding: Want an Easier New Hire Onboarding Process? Go Paperless!

Easier onboarding and paperless onboarding go hand-in-hand; without the hassle of filling out a bunch of forms, the ability for your new hires to do it conveniently and wherever they please, the whole onboarding process is a bit simpler for everyone. Learn how you can make this happen for you…


Leadership-GrowthReviewsnap: The Most Valuable Practice for Leadership Growth

You’ve recently finished the cyclic performance reviews, and you’ve noticed a few of the employees on your team have the potential to move into leadership roles. Although the company doesn’t have a necessarily strong high potential development program, you still want to give these few employees a chance to grow professionally. Here is the most valuable practice to make this happen…

