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#RedBranchWeekly: Tips for Embracing the New Workforce

Millennials, technology and a shifting global marketplace are all contributors to a new workforce. While there are a few problems amidst the new workforce, such as skill shortages and profit losses, businesses are finding new strategies on how to face these changes. In this edition of #RedBranchWeekly, iRevü starts by showing how to retain Millennials with continuous feedback. Then, Noel Webb, CoFounder of Karen.ai, gives 3 benefits of bringing AI into recruitment.

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New WorkforceiRevü: Keep Your Millennials Around By Giving Them Continuous Performance Feedback

More than one-in-three American workers today are Millennials (those who were ages 18-34 in 2015), and they have recently surpassed Generation X to become the largest share of the workforce. It may have been possible to ignore their need for continuous feedback in the past, but those days are over. Take a look:

Check out this edition of #RedBranchWeekly, featuring @engagiant_irevu: Share on X


New WorkforceKaren: Top 3 Benefits AI Brings to Recruitment 

What’s next in HR technology, candidate experience, performance management, etc. But what’s next for recruiting? 2016 talked a lot about artificial intelligence so does that mean it’s time to move on to something else? Not quite. AI has barely hit it’s prime when it comes to the benefits it can bring to recruiting and the talent acquisition world. Check THIS out:

@noelwebb gives his insight on #AI and recruitment in this week's #RedBranchWeekly: Share on X


New WorkforceClearCompany: How to Give the Right Amount of Feedback to High Performers

Giving feedback to any of your employees can be troublesome, but when it comes to high performers, things can get a little more complex. Although it may be tempting to focus more on employees who need help, you can’t ignore your high performers. You don’t want to be standing over their shoulder, micromanaging every move they make, but how much feedback is the right amount and what should it include? Find out:

Check out what @ClearCompany has to say about feedback in this edition of #RedBranchWeekly: Share on X


New WorkforceCyberGrants: 5 Corporate Fundraising Ideas You Should Implement Now

Approximately $4 billion is raised through workplace giving annually. That’s a lot of money to raise, and there are a lot of different ways to make it happen. Your company may already do gift-matching, product donations, or volunteering events, but one of the best ways to engage employees and give back is to hold fundraising events to benefit a local charity. If you’re looking for high-impact events, we’ve compiled the best for you:

Take a look at these insights from @CyberGrants about corporate fundraising in #RedBranchWeekly: Share on X


New WorkforceTalent Tech Labs: What’s Driving AI? Humans, Not Robots

Advancements in AI have been both thrilling and terrifying to watch both in personal life and the world of business. Of course, as with any new and innovative tech, there are bound to be critics. In Talent Acquisition, this is more than an understatement as more and more recruiters fear the implications of their own job stability. The idea that robots could one day do their work has produced an understandable outrage. Read more…

.@TalentTechLabs talks about #AI and the driving force behind it in this week's #RedBranchWeekly: Share on X


New WorkforcePeopleTicker: Embracing Tech to Manage the Contingent Workforce

The idea of a contingent workforce is on the rise not only in the United States, but worldwide. The New York Times is reporting that more than half of all new jobs created in the European Union since 2010 have been through temporary contracts. The contingent workforce is now estimated to comprise up to 30% of procurement spend for some companies. Read more…

Check out what @PeopleTicker has to say in this edition of #RedBranchWeekly: Share on X