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Talent Management Stats For HR Professionals | Red Branch Media

Red Branch Media writes over 1000 content pieces annually about recruiting. We scour the internet for statistics that will support our educational and informational content on talent management. Please properly credit the source of the statistic (linked) when using it in your own work. 



Talent management is defined as the process HR takes to attract, develop, motivate, and retain employees. 


  • 30% of companies provide regular supervisory and management training. (Source)
  • Managers account for as much as 70% of the variance in employee engagement.  (Source)
  • Companies with clear objectives outperform the market by 42%. (Source)
  • 63% of companies fail to have regular discussions with their employees about their career growth and aspirations. (Source)
  • 38% of managers expressed that their company’s performance management process included at least some ‘continuous’ elements. (Source)
  • When companies make their performance management programs more continuous, 90% see a direct lift in employee engagement.  (Source)
  • Companies with highly engaged employees outperform their rivals by as much as 21% for profitability. (Source)
  • There could be as many as 70% of your workforce currently feeling overworked in your company right now.  (Source)



  • Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to see financial returns above the national median for their industry. (Source)
  • Inclusive companies have a 2.3X higher cash flow per employee over a three-year period. (Source)
  • Just 51% of companies agree that the diversity of their employees accurately reflects the diversity of the market they serve. (Source)
  • 78% of respondents to Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends survey stated that diversity and inclusion gave them a “competitive advantage” over other companies. (Source)
Did you know 83% of employees would prefer to be recognized with praise over a present? @RedBranch media discusses all things #TalentManagement in their latest stats brief: Share on X


  • Company culture is important to new hires. Indeed, 32% of workers said they would agree to a 10% reduction in salary if they cared about their job strongly enough. (Source)
  • Treating workers – at all levels – with respect was rated as “very important” to 67% of employees, higher even than compensation, which was rated by 63% of employees as very important.  (Source)
  • 89% of workers at companies that support employee wellbeing are more likely to recommend their company as a good place to work. (Source)
  • 84% of HR professionals agree that recognizing employees increases engagement, and 82% agree that it boosts employee happiness and staff availability.  (Source)



  • Lack of clarity and communication factor heavily into employee burnout. Just 60% of employees have a strong understanding of their boss’s expectations, while employees who are confident in their worker-manager relationship are 70% less likely to feel burned out. (Source)
  • 83% of employees would prefer to be recognized with praise over a present. (Source)
  • 4 out of 10 employees say their managers fail to frequently engage in honest conversations about work. (Source)
  • One in five US employees is uncomfortable when it comes to engaging in conversation with their manager.  (Source)
  • 36% believe their manager doesn’t know how to lead a team. (Source)
  • One in four employees dreads going to work, don’t feel safe voicing their opinions about work-related issues, and don’t feel respected and valued at work.  (Source)
  • 58% of those who left a job due to culture claim people managers are the main reason they ultimately quit. (Source)




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