Earlier today I created this really cool story on Storify (or so I thought). I figured that embedding the code would work, it didn’t.
I tried adding the HTML , XML, or JSON codes thinking they would work (because I could be a coder if I wanted to), they didn’t.
I decided to add my account and assume that it was going to distribute it correctly, it didn’t.

By the way, none of these options worked for me–>
Of course, it sent out and I look like a dummy because it was all code. (Sorry you guys, no one should ever have to look at code, except maybe Jeremy Hogan).
Maren said it has something to do with our blog being hosted on WordPress differently than most. (i.e. she is cheap)
Anyway, sorry if that was confusing to anyone. If you have any advice on how to get the thing to work I would love to hear from you.
Email me at: eric@redbranchmedia.com

Thanks a lot Obama.