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Career Advice 101: 5 Tips for Building a Strong LinkedIn Recruiting Network

LinkedIn, we’ve all got it (for the most part) and we all use it to our advantage (sorta.) LinkedIn can get a bad rap for being part job board, part social network and occasional place for dudes to hit on anyone they want but did you know LinkedIn can actually be pretty cool? What are some of the best practices for using LinkedIn, you ask? Hey, good question. Below we have listed 5 ways to build a strong LinkedIn account while also creating a strong recruiting network.

In an essence, a well thought out and visually appealing LinkedIn account can attract a heavy recruiting network, easily.


1. Your profile picture

Yeah, this may be an obvious one, but listen – it’s important, here’s why:

  • We live in a shallow, shallow world.
  • You need to look the part of an “up and coming professional” or “a super established professional, who’s been in the field longer than Tom Cruise has been alive” or as someone “who is mid-way through their professional career and killing it.” (No matter what your job situation is, make it look like you are killing it in that field.)
  • Whatever your style may be, clean it up 40% – add a blazer, and comb your hair. You can still incorporate your style (no matter how weird) as long as you are in a blazer, it’s a buffer that works and scientists aren’t completely sure why yet.
  • Look into the camera, not up or over. It conveys trust.
  • Slight smile but don’t get crazy.
  • LIGHTING, make sure your photo is taken in a well-lit area (eliminate excessive background decorations.)
  • If you have a professional looking photo along with skills, workplace experience and personal attributes to boot, people will be happy to connect with you. Strengthening your recruiting network.
  • No pets, babies, couples, cleavage or flowers.

2. The more people you know, the better

People are more comfortable connecting, speaking, and working with people they have connections in common with. Subsequently, the easier it is to find potential job candidates. What does this mean for your LinkedIn profile? It means the more (relevant) connections you have, the more likely you may have linked with someone who is a contact with the person you are trying to connect with.Then bingo, whammo, you found a possible “in” with someone meaningful to furthering your career. Connect with people who have their full name, a normal picture and a headline that tells them if they are in your industry, area or personal network. Otherwise, skip it. Many people import their Gmail or outlook connections to start their fledgling network. Experienced networkers do this periodically. Personally, I don’t connect with anyone with a bogus headline (CEO of my LIFE)  or who works on MLM (since facebook is already filled with them).


People are more comfortable speaking & working with people they have connections in common with. Share on X


3. Updates: The crucial essence of your being

When was the last time you looked at your LinkedIn profile? Check that baby out. Having an outdated LinkedIn profile can damage your image. Self-editing is an essential key in the working world.

  • Make sure you have your last 3 current jobs listed under work history
  • A recent profile picture, that exhibits your professional nature
  • Relevant skills, for example you wouldn’t have “Proficient in faxing, and mailing letters” you would have “Expert in Photoshop, and Javascript.”
  • Beef up your summary, adding new insights, and wealth of knowledge to your profile.
  • Add certifications, volunteer opportunities and alumni networks.
  • Join groups that pertain to your experience and interests (these change, you know!)


When was the last time you looked at your LinkedIn profile? Take these tips to update it! Share on X


4. If you are currently employed at a company, make sure you have consistency with your co-workers.

Make sure the following list of things are cohesive and complimentary to your co-workers LinkedIn profiles. This will help make you and your company look polished and professional.

  • Profile photos- have the same theme whether that be filters/crops/ or placement
  • Headline- have congruent headlines
  • Location- ensure you have the updated location of your workplace, and that it matches, those of your co-workers.
  • Profile summary- have complimentary, relevant and professional profile summaries.
  • Experience- Only list the most recent/relevant portions of your work experience.
  • Skills- again this is where relevance comes into play, make sure your skills are current, and of valuable means.
  • Connections- Have enough relevant connections within your field to appear active.


“Use the headings on your LinkedIn profile to target the section you wish to get employment in. In fact, this should be a compelling and self-advertising title. For example, if you want to work in IT, your title can be: Highly Accomplished and Experienced IT Specialist. By writing such titles, you hit the target audience and emphasize your core values.” – Ann Aldrich, Recruiting Blogs


5. Reposting and sharing

If you share prominent content, and interesting articles within your field on LinkedIn, people will want to connect with you as a trusted source of information within the field. This is good for outside employers/ clients looking in on your profile because it shows you care about your field and its advancements or even shortcomings. Share projects/articles you’ve worked on too. Show off your talents, put some literal proof in that career pudding.


“Passionate people attract other people in positive ways” – The Universe (Just kidding we made that up, but it works, right?)


Now that you’ve got some solid tips on how to better your LinkedIn profile, and create stronger recruiting networks, put your knowledge to action. Revamp, revitalize and redesign your LinkedIn profile to show you in your best light.