Work-life balance is an important aspect for any company, and can lead to overall job satisfaction. If employees don’t have time to relax and recharge, performance levels suffer. In a FlexJobs survey, 74% of job seekers surveyed listed a desire for better balance as a top reason for seeking flexible work. Here at Red Branch Media, we promote a great work-life balance in many different ways:
74% of #jobseekers listed a desire for better balance as a top reason for seeking flexible work. Share on X

The office is a ghost town on Thursdays… literally. As a part of a good work–life balance, we allow our employees to have work from home days. Teleworking has been shown to increase employee morale, productivity and overall happiness.
Employees who have the ability to work from home are 48% more likely to rate their job a “10” on the happiness scale, with 10 being the highest. Also, working from home can be shown to reduce stress by eliminating your commute, reducing work–life conflicts and creating a relaxing workplace. According to a study conducted by PGI, 82% of telecommuters reported lower stress levels.
82% of telecommuters reported lower stress levels. #WorkLifeBalance Share on X

Here at Red Branch, we support a work-life balance with flexible and relaxed working conditions. In a study by RingCentral, 78% of Millennials say workplace environment affects their decision to stay at a job. We keep our employees happy with open and visible working stations, a casual dress code (a lax dress code is among the top 3 desired employee perks) and a modern office space.
What's it like to work at @redbranch? Find out: Share on X
Moderation is key, and employees who are constantly tied to their jobs deal with stress and burnout. Both the employer and the employees benefit from a healthy work-life balance. Employees are engaged, turnover rates fall and company morale reaches an all time high. Not to mention, a positive work-life balance brings in the best talent, maybe that’s why our employees are so awesome.