Originally posted on Recruiter.com January 15, 2014.
7 Ways to Keep Employees Motivated
Nothing says “we appreciate you” like taking part in the company culture. The culture of a workplace is as important to your bottom line as the deliverables or services rendered. Without a good company culture, you risk high turnover, a lack of a shared enthusiasm and reduced productivity. “If your staff believes that they matter, that their opinions matter, the company soars,” Tom Walter, CEO of Tasty Catering in Chicago, said.
1. Keep the fridge stocked
Free is good. Coffee is good. Food is good. Good things make people happy. Happy employees are the root of getting projects done, getting them done on time, and getting them done well. When you keep your employees motivated, their morale is heightened. Coming from a professional standpoint, nothing is better than working with an employee who is happy to come to work. By investing in the physical well-being of your employees and showing that you care about their basic needs, you give them a reason to work a little harder toward shared goals.
2. Throw inclusive holiday parties
Yes, you need to include everyone during the holidays. Sounds silly, right? Well, there are tons of belief backgrounds that aren’t supported by the traditional Santa Clause, flying reindeer, and Christmas trees. Make an effort to incorporate everyone’s beliefs. When people feel included, they are more willing to work as a team. With better teamwork, comes improved morale. Fancy that. And this diverse viewpoint shouldn’t end during the holidays. Keep your mind open year round.
3. Keep employees in the loop
“I have something to tell you…. But I can’t tell you what it is.” No one likes that. As an employer, that is the quickest way to lose your team’s trust. Keeping everyone in the loop as much as possible is a great way to keep morale high. Never underestimate the value of communication.
“Ask yourself as CEO, ‘If I make this decision without employees, could this hurt the culture more than it helps?’” Traci Fenton, founder and CEO of WorldBlu in Austin, said. While it’s true that many organizations have information that isn’t always appropriate for everyone’s ears, try to keep gossip to a minimum by only letting your executive team in on very important or potentially stressful enterprise-wide decisions. Read more…