Working from home is a lot of things. A welcome respite from office politics. A worrisome burden for managers and executives. A way to save office costs and more.
So what’s the real work from home skinny?
Telecommuting is on the rise. 45% of US employees work from home and 53 million people work as freelancers, contributing $715 billion annually to the American economy. Of these freelancers, 40% are independent contractors, 27% are moonlighters, 18% are diversified workers, 10% are temporary workers and 5% are freelance business owners.
But while it’s on the rise, working from home is no joke. Check this piece from the Muse about the 5 Best (and 5 Worst) Things about Working from home….”You know that good feeling you get when you leave the office building? That you’ve accomplished all you can for the day, and that everything and everyone else can wait until tomorrow? Forget about it. Since there’s really no difference between being in the office and being at home, the boundaries that your clients, co-workers, and boss would normally draw (like not calling at 9 PM on Friday night) are not extended anymore. You’re always on the job. Work, and all of its piles, are always there.”
Think WFH is for you? 25 companies who want you to work from home: Since 2005, telecommuting has increased 103% nationally. 23% of U.S. workers now do at least some of their work from home — up from 19% in 2003, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are currently 3.3 million workers in the U.S. that work from home full time and many more interested in this type of work flexibility.
Red Branch Media offers WFH flexibility. Just sayin’.