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#NowPlaying: Welcome to the Team

This month we’re welcoming three new branchers to the team. Are you new to your job? Do you have some new hires? Jam out or share our new playlist titled, “Welcome to the Team,” because we’ve got the perfect welcome songs you’ll find on Spotify. Here’s to you, newbies! Don’t forget to follow us on Spotify so you know exactly when our next playlist rolls out.

“First days are hard. Even if you’re excited about the opportunity, job, class… Our team at Red Branch definitely understands just how challenging our onboarding/training process can be. Luckily our culture is pretty dang awesome. This playlist so perfectly encapsulates our values and jokes, which means our new Branchers can learn loads about us just from listening. Plus, who wouldn’t love their new job to feature its own soundtrack, right?” – Marissa Litty, Corporate Communications at Red Branch Media (@MarissaLitty)

#NowPlaying: Welcome to the Team! #Onboarding new hires, or a new #hire yourself? This is for you! Click To Tweet

Missed our other playlists? Check them out here:



Kickstart Your Onboarding Right

Onboarding is such an integral part of the hiring process. Making sure your new hire learns the ropes early on will help ensure a bright future for them at your company. It’s also the perfect opportunity to get them acclimated to the team in a warm and welcoming way rather than breaking the ice later on. That’s exactly why the team at Red Branch Media designed this playlist — to welcome new hires — as we welcome ours!

Are you onboarding right now? Download this free checklist from our client ClearCompany to help you step-by-step!

#Onboarding is an integral part of the hiring process. Use this to welcome your #newhires! Click To Tweet

Authentic Company Culture is Crucial

As onboarding is important to get your new hires up-to-speed, having an authentic company culture is crucial to keeping them and making them really feel like they’re part of the team. So, what exactly is company culture? An article from The Balance describes company culture as, “…the personality of a company.” They also go on to explain that, “…some companies have a team-based culture with employee participation on all levels, while other have a more traditional and formal management style.”

How is this so important then? Company culture is the glue of your company. The stronger the culture, the stronger the bond the employee will have with your staff and company. If you’re looking to boost your company culture, I’d try instilling fun things for your employees. Employees could participate in taking instagram photos on the company account, doing team building outings, having formal or informal events and anything else that would be fun and unique to your company and team that would get your employees excited.

#CompanyCulture is CRUCIAL to keeping your new hires. Get them acclimated with our #playlist: Click To Tweet

How Red Branch Media Leads by Amazing Onboarding

One thing that makes us so great at Red Branch Media is our incredibly unique company culture and onboarding practices. Our onboarding routine gets new branchers up-to-speed with all of our resources, having new branchers participate in “New Brancher Trivia” where the new branchers sit in chairs while two teams of existing branchers line up to answer questions and start with hands-on work on their first day side-by-side with their department lead. Our content team even sits down with our new branchers, takes a quick interview, and writes articles about them to welcome them and introduce them to the world.

Our company culture is also unmatched. Our instagram is run entirely by our branchers, we host our own Spotify channel where we roll out playlists monthly, we have company outings, attend conferences, have our weekly eatin’ meetin’ where we eat, drink wine and share our proud-ofs (one thing we’re proud of and one thing we’re proud of someone else for), create posters and draw cartoons. It’s pretty incredible, and we all LOVE it here! What’s, even more, is that when someone else has a new idea for our culture, it is welcomed with open arms.

How To Find Us & Follow Us on Spotify

There are a few ways to find us on Spotify. First, you’ll need a Spotify account. You can do that by going to www.spotify.com and creating a free account. Unless ads drive you nuts, a free account is all you’ll need. After you’ve got your account, go to our page and click follow. By following us, you’ll get email notifications each time we put out a new playlist. We’ll be creating fresh lists for you each month, so you can listen to them as soon as we publish them! Now go download the desktop application for your computer, the app for your phone or stream music online by taking a listen to our playlist here.

Onboarding and company culture go hand-in-hand. Making sure you’re doing it right makes ALL the difference. Need a fresh idea? Get your computer set up with our onboarding playlist and play it for your new hires as they take on their first day! It will take the pressure right off their shoulders and help them feel comfortable and happy to be a part of your team.  

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