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#RedBranchWeekly: 3 Proactive Ways HR Departments Are Responding to Current Events

HR has seen so many changes in 2020, and it’s far from over. Companies are still riding the waves of remote work, virtual talent acquisition, and onboarding from a distance. Plus, the country is in the thick of major racial disparities that the workforce has hardly been immune to. One thing hasn’t changed — our partners have continued to share their thought leadership to assist!

This past week, IQTalent Partners, Mya Solutions, and ClearCompany provided insight into the best ways to reduce hiring bias, making the right tech adoption decisions during a recession, and how to manage a completely virtual onboarding process in times of crisis. Read on for a preview of their expertise.

View these uncertain times as an opportunity to fix your #HRprocesses from top to bottom. See how you can manage change from all angles in this week's #RedBranchWeekly. Share on X

IQTalent Partners: Reducing Bias In The Hiring Process

Women learning about how to reduce hiring biasReducing bias in the hiring cycle is not just good for society, it’s good for business. And with the heated racial issues currently facing the country, now is the perfect time to fix your process with equality in mind. Plus, a diverse team is better for your bottom line. In IQTalent Partner’s recent, they show you how to do exactly that.

Follow their simple 5-step plan to reduce unconscious bias and even set yourself up with a diverse talent pipeline when more positions open up. Even better —to get started on the right foot, we recommend augmenting your internal recruiting team, even temporarily, to reignite your search process. IQTalent has more in their recent article. Take a look!

#ReducingBias in the #hiringcycle is not just good for society, it's good for your bottom line. Follow these steps from @IQTalent in this week's #RedBranchWeekly. Share on X

Mya Systems: Why Now Is the Right Time To Invest in Career Site Engagement

Man learning why recruiters are investing in career site engagementIf you didn’t know better, many would think that a recession would be the worst time to invest in HR tech. Our partner, Mya Systems, says otherwise. Specifically, they say it’s in your best interest to invest in your career site.

Why? They looked at insights from previous economic downturns along with a growing need for a better candidate experience. Plus, after so many layoffs and furloughs, candidates will be particular about where they devote their time in the future. Find out why HR technology is your best bet to weather the storm of the recession in Mya’s recent blog post!

A #recession is the perfect time to upgrade your #careersite technology. Don't believe us? @MyaSystems explains in this week's #RedBranchWeekly. Share on X

ClearCompany: 6 Steps For Onboarding During A Crisis 

Even in normal times, you need a solid onboarding process to set new employees up for success. Lately, it seems like we’re all doing our best to make sense of what can easily feel like a cold, virtual encounter that used to be a great relationship builder for new staff. Even the transition to a paperless onboarding strategy has been a huge jump for many companies.

In ClearCompany’s latest blog post, they lay out the 6 steps they believe are most important to ensure your onboarding process remains effective and efficient in a virtual capacity. Dive in here!

Are you prepared to safely onboard your new employees in a #remotework environment? In this week's #RedBranchWeekly, @ClearCompany has 6 tips for #virtualonboarding in a crisis: Share on X

Want to see your company covered in a future #RedBranchWeekly? Get in touch with us @RedBranch!