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Survey: Gender Pay Gap During a Pandemic

Fishbowl Survey - Raise or Promotion - Bar Chart

Survey Question – “True or False: The changes caused by the pandemic have stopped me asking for a raise.”

Today, women still experience a pay gap compared to their male counterparts, which many theorize may be exacerbated by the pandemic.

For this reason, we asked users of the Fishbowl app to answer True or False to this statement: The changes caused by the pandemic have stopped me from asking for a raise or promotion. The survey ran February 26 through March 3, 2021 and was answered by a total of 16,879 verified professionals on the Fishbowl app.

In a @fishbowlapp survey, 42% of women said changes caused by the pandemic stopped them from asking for a raise or promotion vs. 32% of men. See more in the @RedBranch blog. Share on X

Key Findings

Overall, a total of 16,879 professionals answered the survey, with 36.22% answering with “True” and 63.78% answering with “False.”

We then looked at the results by gender, location, and industry. Here’s what we found:

  • Gender: 42.39% of women said that the changes due to the pandemic have stopped them from asking for a raise or a promotion, versus just 31.79% of men.
  • By State: Indiana, Tennessee, and Louisiana were the three states with the highest percentage of employees said the pandemic thwarted them from asking for a raise or promotion, with 46.36%, 43.6%, and 43.39% respectively. Conversely, the District of Columbia, Utah, and Maryland had the lowest, with 24.92%, 29.92%, and 30.45% respectively.
  • By Industry: Marketing, HR, and Accounting were the industries with the highest percentage of employees saying the pandemic has stopped them from asking for a raise or promotion with 54.48%, 41.35%, and 39.79% respectively. Conversely, Finance, Law, and Tech had the lowest, with 25.79%, 29.96%, and 30.8% respectively.

See the full article and survey here.


Fishbowl is a professional social network that connects users through transparent conversations to drive positive change within the workplace. Professionals come to Fishbowl daily to discuss industry-specific news and share career advice with peers and senior leadership in an open, positive, and supportive environment. The platform is currently accessible through its mobile app available on iOS and Android devices and is free for all users. Visit fishbowlapp.com for more information.