July is officially over.
This summer is going by way too fast. 🙁 July has been an insanely busy month for Red Branch Media and its clients. Check out what you may have missed this week, and see what our clients have been up to. This #RedBranchWeekly is full of HR, Hiring, Recruiting and Management topics with a twist. Yes, that’s right. We make content fun.
Don’t forget to share the #RedBranchWeekly with your social friends!
This week in the #RedBranchWeekly:
Clear Company: The Element That’s Stopping You From Attaining Your Goals

As much as I’d like to start out with a cliché on teams, I will just go ahead and establish that the team dynamic in any workspace is a big factor in attaining organizational goals. Sometimes these teams come together seamlessly to create great in-office chemistry, but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule. Very often, leadership will need to thoughtfully guide team collaboration to optimally meet goals.
GreenJobInterview: Video Interviewing: Find Your Stars
Recruiters and hiring managers file through hundreds of resumes per position. On average, candidates submit a total of 250 resumes for each job opening. That’s a lot of time and energy attempting to thin the talent pool for a position. Services like GreenJobInterview provide the technology you need to not only decrease the amount of candidates to screen, but the amount of time it takes to fill a position. Thinning the herd isn’t easy, but with the right tools, you can ease the pressure for you and your candidates.
Herd Wisdom: Is the Engagement Spark Gone in Your Workforce?
Have you noticed that the passion you once saw in your workers is fading, or completely burned out? The blame game isn’t fun, but let’s just say that most of the time, it isn’t their fault. Organizations will go to great lengths to source and attract great talent, but then their efforts to impress will often come to a halt before the ink on the I-9 is even dry. Leaders are quickly realizing that retention efforts are just as important, if not more, than attraction.
Visibility Software: Visibility is Ready to Roll at #SageSummit
We’re here, and we’re ready to roll. It’s Sage Summit season, and I am ready to learn and talk with other HR thought leaders in the recruiting and training space. Sage Summit 2014 is an exciting conference for, that’s right, HR. Human Resources isn’t always thought of as the most exciting field, but when you have celebrity companies and people involved, recruiting and workplace training doesn’t seem so dull.
Vitru: Stop Killing Diversity in the Name of Company Culture

The look and feel of your company culture isn’t always what the experts tell us it’s supposed to be like. It doesn’t necessarily have our defined values at the core, dictating the hiring and decision-making processes, which are based off of business goals. There is an unwritten, unintentional part of company culture that will often have a lot more pull in how your organization’s teams are crafted.