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#RedBranchWeekly: How to Best Build Up Your Employees For Success

You care about your employees, right? They’re vital to your success, but they should mean more to you than just that. You’re a team. Make sure your team is the best it can be.

Read More: Construct a More Creative Workplace in 3 Steps

How does one accomplish such a task? Create a team with mental toughness, show your appreciation, and make sure everyone gets heard. Our partners at Caliper Corp, ThinkHR, and IQ Talent Partners can walk you through each step.

How do you ensure your team is performing as best as they can? This week’s #RedBranchWeekly features articles from @CaliperCorp, @RealThinkHR, and @IQTalent with information to help you get your team going. Share on X

CaliperCorp: Building Your Best Team by Leveraging Mental Toughness

building your best team by leveraging mental toughness

Let’s say you’re tasked with building a team. You want them to be effective at their tasks. While you might initially want to build a team that gets along with each other, Caliper suggests something deeper:

“What’s the difference between assembling a group of individuals who have the right skills and assembling a group of individuals who can also work well together while leveraging each other’s strengths? Highly engaged and productive teams earn companies double the revenue than teams with low engagement.”

More on personality in the office: Wise Up to Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Finding mentally tough people for the core roles on your team can greatly improve your team’s output. Don’t sleep on something so simple, yet so vital. You can learn what to look for in your employees in order to decide if they can fill the right roles in Caliper’s latest article.

What are the types of people you should be looking into for your all-star team? @CaliperCorp suggests leveraging mental toughness in this week’s #RedBranchWeekly. Share on X

ThinkHR: 4 Ways to Show Employees That You Appreciate Them

employee appreciation

Just because Employee Appreciation Day is now behind us, doesn’t mean you can’t still show your employees you care. What are the little things you can do to show you appreciate your employees year-round?

“Don’t wait for performance reviews or end-of-year events to give employees the recognition they deserve. Use whatever electronic communication system you have in place to speak well of your employees and their achievements.”

There are plenty of ways to show your employees you care beyond the performance reviews and appreciation days. ThinkHR’s new article about this goes into some great strategies to help you create a culture of appreciation in your workplace.

There are plenty of ways to show your employees you care beyond performance reviews. ThinkHR’s new article goes into how you can create a culture of appreciation in your workplace. Read more in this week's #RedBranchWeekly. Share on X

IQTalent Partners: Women Who Changed The World of Work

International women's day

It’s International Women’s Month, and what better way to celebrate than by honoring the women who have forever changed the world of work?

“Today’s improvements couldn’t have been made without yesterday’s female leaders and allies. Women’s History Month is a great time to inspire yourself and others in your workplace by celebrating remarkable women that have changed the world of work.”

It’s great to celebrate the trailblazers, but it’s also important to recognize the women that work for you every day, too. In IQTalent Partner’s new article, they cover women who have changed the workplace and how you as an employer can celebrate with your own staff this month.

There’s no easy way to discipline, or even worse, fire an employee. @RealThinkHR instructs you on how to go about this the right way in this week’s #RedBranchWeekly. Share on X

Want to see your company covered in a future #RedBranchWeekly? Get in touch with us @RedBranch!