By Alison Wurth:
It’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season of the season. We’re just past Thanksgiving and in the blink of an eye – it will be New Years! But rather than focusing on HR, people are thinking about their vacations, decorating and doing their best not to procrastinate their holiday shopping. Leave your recruiting for the new year, right? Big Mistake. Huge. (Pretty Woman, anyone?)
It’s so easy to disengage and coast through this time of year. But, business isn’t stopping for any holiday. Empty positions will sit empty and in this tight market, there’s no time to waste. Despite misconceptions, this time of year can be one of the best times to close top talent! So in this #RedBranchWeekly, we’re putting up our tree of knock-out talent, stringing up our talent acquisition lights and overcoming those holiday recruiting challenges.
'Tis the season for #recruiting challenges! This #RedBranchWeekly has a ton of holly jolly #HR advice for you: Share on XOleeo: Achieving the Gold Standard When Recruiting for High-Volume: 5 Metrics You Must Measure
Try to pair holiday recruiting with high-volume recruiting and you have a potential mess. To be specific, high-volume positions receive 250 applicants compared to only 59 in a traditional role. So, if you’re trying to recruit in high-volume at the end of the year, you have to do it right. In this article, Oleeo has broken down the must-know metrics to keep you on track. So don’t sleep on these, stick with them and you’re sure to accomplish exceptional high-volume recruiting going into the new year.
ClearCompany: How to Achieve Holiday Recruiting Success
Look – when you need to fill positions, you’re likely focused only on the needs of your organization. There’s nothing wrong with that! But, if you want to get this done and hire the best, you need to focus on the needs of your candidates. In this article, the pros at ClearCompany get right to the point. Want to increase your staff around the holiday season? Improve your candidate experience. And they lay out a few key areas where improvements can be made.
AllyO: Selling AI to HUMAN Resources #NotAChatbot
In our space, we hear so much about AI, Automation, Machine Learning and the like. And, 55% of HR managers already see evidence of AI becoming a regular part of HR in the next 5 years. So when it comes to making your HR processes more robust, you absolutely need to jump on the AI bandwagon. Here’s the rub: How do you go about selling recruitment automation and AI? How do you get the buy-in you need? AllyO has all the answers.
Want to see your company covered in a future RedBranchWeekly? Get in touch with us @RedBranch!