This article on Harmony was originally published in January 2019. All relevant information and statistics have been updated as of January 2023.
Do you want to check another Red Branch Media value? Curiosity, Naked Ambition, and Accountability have already but published, but what’s next? We are excited to share with you what Harmony means to us!
Read more on Harmony and how working together makes us thrive in our clients. Discover our definitions below:
There are a lot of big personalities at the branch! Anywhere else, we’d probably be pitted against each other to fight it out to the death. But Red Branch style harmony means celebrating each other’s strengths and maximizing them to raise the team a little higher.
— Ashlei
Harmony means having uniqueness across each Red Branch Media team member and still being able to be brought together at the end of the day as like-minded individuals.
— Cassandra
Harmony means that we are all singing a part of the song. Everyone has a part of the song that is super important. We can still have a song without all team members, but it won’t be on the top 20 charts.
— Lindsay
Harmony is every part of the branch working together, combining unique skill sets to reach our goals and celebrate accomplishments.
— Olivia
One of our strongest values at Red Branch Media is our Midwestern ethic of being helpful. If a client needs help, we respond in a blink of an eye with a thoroughly researched solution. If a brancher is struggling, our team comes together to help them out. No matter the case, we view our clients and fellow branchers as family, and helping out is simply second nature.
— Kyle
Harmony is an incredibly important value because it deemphasizes ego and self-centering and puts your relationships with coworkers and clients in a place of real importance. It doesn’t mean being NICE; it means being KIND and working with a relational mindset. It means asking: “Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it kind? Is it necessary?” before shooting off your mouth (or inbox.)
— Maren
Creating a harmonious work environment creates a work environment that sees everyone working together as a team. Creating this atmosphere will not only help create a better work environment but will also be reflected in our engagement with each other, clients, vendors, prospects, and future employees. Achieving this level of harmony within a workplace has tremendous benefits for everyone involved.
— Eric
One thing I love about working at Red Branch Media is how all the Branchers fully support each other! Doing so creates a harmonious workflow. So, for me, harmony means helping each other so we don’t miss a beat collaboratively!
— Terri
Strong communication is what sets the tone for harmony. The more we communicate, cooperate, remain transparent, and hold ourselves accountable while still helping each other– that balance, that’s harmony. That’s how we get things done.
— Amanda
Arsenal Football Club’s original motto is “Victoria Concordia Crescent.” Which translates to “Victory Through Harmony.” To me, this phrase goes well beyond sports. Harmony is finding commonalities among your peers, teammates, and coworkers to accomplish a central goal. People are extraordinarily unique. So the challenge of finding common ground or motive (especially in a remote business) to achieve optimal success for both the Branch & our clients is an amazing thing.
— Nick
Harmony is how well a team works together as a whole. At Red Branch, everyone has your back and is ready to step up and help whenever needed. This allows our team to communicate effectively and stay on the same page!
— Caitlin
Harmony is a necessary condition for the development, progress, fulfillment, overall happiness, and survival of both the individual and the group to which he or she belongs to. It unites people despite their diversity and prevents enmity, wars, and conflicts.
— Anna

Harmony is about a group of people willing to work together to bring their unique values and expertise to complete a project or achieve a goal.
— Zuny
To paraphrase the 2,500-year-old wisdom of Sun Tzu, “Without harmony at the Branch, no marketing can be undertaken; without harmony in Growth, no email campaigns can be launched.”
— Shawn
RBM harmony is all of us working together and balancing one another to create successful projects. Harmony inspires creativity and growth, encouraging us to develop our best work for all of our clients.
— Carissa
At RBM, harmony means having empathy for each other and giving one another the benefit of the doubt. Especially working remotely, we don’t always know what another brancher is dealing with daily. While we still hold each other accountable, it’s not in a negative way. We support and back each other up and trust that when we need help, all we need to do is ask, though often it’s offered before we even have to raise our hand.
— Andrea
Harmony is a pleasing arrangement of parts (or people) interweaving into a single, supportive unit.
— Angela

Harmony is how each person’s parts blend and play off of each other to create something new and unique.
— January
Harmony means supporting your team through every aspect of your work; we can rely on each other and always lend a helping hand.
— Hailey
Harmony is just one of Red Branch Media’s core values. Interested in seeing the other core values? Check them out here and if you’re curious enough, look at our job openings to be a Brancher!