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10 Apps to Raise the Bar on Productivity

Right around this time of year managers and supervisors begin to realize spring fever is a real thing as employees become restless with the weather getting nicer and summer getting closer.

So what’s a manager to do? Instead of coming down with the hammer, we suggest taking some of these apps into consideration that will up employee productivity without overworking anyone!


Instead of being strict with employees who have Spring fever, try these productivity apps! Share on X


1. Buffer

Keep up with your social media activity with this easy to use web extension and app that lets you seamlessly add posts and updates to your queues. You even get to set the times you want to post during the day so all you have to do it take 10 minutes in the morning to load up your queue and Buffer will do the rest. The Red Branch Media social team uses Buffer all the time and so do all of our employees. It’s simple, efficient and totally supercharges social efforts.


2. Productive

Need to make sure you get certain tasks done during the day? With Productive, you can plan your days and build a routine to follow regularly. It shows your progress of perfect days where you completed every task assigned so you can stay motivated and keep on with your perfect days! If you need to build a new habit or process within your workplace, Productive is the perfect tool for you!



How awesome would it be to automate your job? IFTTT does exactly that. There are 290 channels that IFTTT connects to that your can create recipes with that are triggered by a command you set and run automatically. These channels include all your social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as well as other channels like Spotify, Nest and WordPress. At Red Branch Media, we have TONS of IFTTT recipes we like to use to make our lives easier, faster and more fun!


4. Priority Matrix

Are you a visual learner and hate lists? This is just the app for you! Priority Matrix uses a visually unique approach to help you focus on the right tasks at the right time so you can always be on top of things and never drop the ball. It shows the tasks you have on deck within a matrix that labels which priority level it is so you can clearly see what needs to be done first and what you can get to later.


5. Toggl

Is timing an issue? Get your team tracking with Toggl to record every billable second spent on projects. Your time and your team’s is valuable so make sure it’s not wasted. The app works offline and within your browser so you can hit start and stop at any time. Fun fact: Toggl is the inspiration site behind our new website redesign!


6. WeTransfer

Speaking of wasted time. Ever tried to transfer large files via email or mobile and get stuck waiting for the upload? This is a waste of time you could be using that file or being productive doing something else than waiting. This app allows you to upload, send and receive large files across all devices. Voíla!


7. MixMax

Email is a primary way to communicate but many argue that it is a time waster at work. Not anymore. MixMax lets you track your emails, schedule them and even set up templates to save time so you’re not rewriting or copy and pasting. You can even search and insert GIFs straight from the email draft. Woah, snazy! If you follow our CEO on Twitter or Facebook, she’s constantly singing the praises of MixMax, it’s an amazing productivity booster!


8. Session Buddy

Ever in the middle of a project and you have to stop but you don’t want to close out of all your tabs and windows but you also don’t want them to be in the way while you work on something else? Session Buddy has solved your problem. By installing this app in your browser you can save the windows and tabs the pertain to a particular project you’re working or article you’re writing and even name the session. Then when you’re ready to go back to it, with a click of a button you can relaunch all of the pages you need!


9. RealtimeBoard

Many teams have intranets that they use for collaborating on projects but it’s likely those intranets lack the creativity aspect that goes into planning and brainstorming for strategies. This tool brings back the white board concept of brainstorming and creativity and puts it in your browser for the whole team to collaborate on. Let the genius ideas flow!


10. Noisli

This tool allows you to create your own perfect environment coming right from your headphones that will instantly boost your productivity. You can mix the noises up and even adjust for relaxation. Noisli can really help those on the team that get easily distracted!


Don’t know which ones will suit your team best? Try out these apps with the whole team and take a vote on which ones help the most. That way you get everyone involved and they have a say in the tools they use. Let us know how it goes or what some of your favorite apps are that keep you going throughout the day!