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Employee Experience Statistics To Carry You Through 2021

Red Branch Media writes over 1000 content pieces annually about employee experience. We scour the internet for statistics that will support our educational and informational content on employee experience. Please properly credit the source of the statistic (linked) when using it in your own work. 


What is employee experience? It’s the journey an employee takes with your organization from initial engagement as a potential new hire to exit interview. From the moment a candidate looks at your job listing to their exit interview as they leave, the employee experience includes everything the employee sees, does, contributes, learns, and perceives in relation to the company.

Providing an excellent experience for your employees isn’t just about a fun organizational culture. The employee experience is foundational to business performance. If you want to build your brand, foster innovation, and sustain engagement, an impressive end-to-end employee experience is key. Ultimately, your team’s attitude and engagement level determines how hard they will work and collaborate toward team goals. Throughout 2021, keep a focus on the employee experience your company offers from first engagement to exit interview with these key statistics.

DYK: #Employees that had a good #onboarding experience are 18X more likely to feel committed to their companies. Offer an impressive #employeeexperience by knowing these stats on the @RedBranch blog: Share on X


  • Companies lose 25% of all new employees within a year. (Source)
  • 88% of organizations don’t onboard well. (Source)
  • 72% of employees say one-on-one time with their direct manager is the most important part of any pre-boarding or onboarding process. (Source)
  • Most organizations only focus on week 1 of onboarding. (Source)
  • 68% of employers report that they were able to successfully shift to remote recruitment and onboarding simply because they already have the necessary technology and protocols in place even before COVID-19 emerged. (Source)
  • The top objective of onboarding programs is to integrate employees into the corporate culture (62%). Next is to complete compliance requirements (at 57%). (Source)
  • 10% of companies have not updated their employee onboarding process in the last three years. (Source)
  • Employees with good onboarding experience are 18X more likely to feel highly committed to their companies. (Source)


  • Only about 10% of U.S. workers felt engaged after receiving negative feedback on the job. (Source)
  • Only 2% of companies believe their performance management process delivers “exceptional value.” Less than 3% find their feedback practices to be excellent.  (Source)
  • The vast majority of managers aren’t satisfied with the quality of traditional performance reviews. (Source)
  • 5% of HR leaders do not think annual performance reviews are an accurate appraisal for employee’s work. (Source)
  • 80% of businesses are still using traditional performance reviews to some degree (Source)
  • 24% of employees would consider quitting due to inadequate performance feedback (Source)
  • Employees who receive weekly feedback are 2.7 times more likely to be engaged at work.  (Source)


  • On average only 53% of employees globally report feeling engaged at work. (Source)
  • More people report feeling engaged at work when they’re being asked for feedback (59%) than those who aren’t (49%). (Source)
  • Companies that act well on feedback have twice the engagement score than those that don’t — 80% vs. 40%. (Source)
  • Companies with engaged employees pull in 2.5x more revenues compared to competitors with low engagement levels. (Source)
  • 85% of employees are not engaged in the workplace. (Source)
  • 81% of employees would consider leaving their jobs for the right offer, even if they wouldn’t be looking for a job at the moment. (Source)
  • 84% of highly engaged employees were recognized the last time they went above and beyond at work compared to only 25% of actively disengaged employees. (Source)
  • 43% of highly-engaged employees receive feedback at least once a week. (Source)


Red Branch Media researches a plethora of B2B topics in order to create the best possible content for our clients in HR Technology, Finance, Non-Profit and more. Our content marketing research team is making these collections of statistics available to you. To view our entire collection of statistics, click here. If you would like your research or articles to be featured on the Red Branch Media B2B Marketing blog, please click here.