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Life at Red Branch: A Complete list of Relatable GIFs

By The Branchers:

Working at Red Branch Media is nothing short of a wild roller coaster every day, and we constantly use GIFs to express how we feel. Whether if it’s replying to an email string or a post on Monday.com, GIFs are an imperative part of our lives. Here is our compilation of relatable GIFs.

When you send your client your completed deliverable and they reply with “no edits.”

Red Branch relatable GIF

And then another person in their company sends dozens of edits not related to the campaign.

Red Branch relatable GIF

When you’re trying to convince your client NOT to purchase a cold leads list.

Red Branch relatable GIF

When you’re trying to get approval on blog posts, social copy, Google ads copy and a whitepaper.

Red Branch relatable GIF

Working at @RedBranch is nothing short of a wild roller coaster every day, and The Branchers constantly use GIFs to express how they feel. Here is life at Red Branch, explained in GIFs: Share on X

When you explain to a client what SEO does to rank higher in search results.

Red Branch relatable GIF

When you finish work for a client and they respond with “this is great, but we’re going in a new direction.”

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen your computer crashes and you haven’t saved your file since the morning.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen you have no idea what your client is talking about but pretend to understand anyway.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen you accidentally cc the wrong person on your report email.

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But then you realize you didn’t accidentally cc the wrong person on your report email and you sent it to the right people.

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When you get a ton of new projects at the same time.

Red Branch relatable GIF

When someone brings in bagels.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen you internally approve content to send to clients.

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When you make it to Friday, have all of your deliverables complete and inevitably get 5 different client emails asking for things that need to be done ASAP before EOB.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen a client sends edits on something that they already approved.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen you come back from lunch and your inbox is overflowing with requests.

Red Branch relatable GIFReceiving back to back approvals on next month’s proposed campaigns.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen you reply to an email thinking you’re just replying to your boss and coworkers, but the client is in it as well.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhat it feels like to submit an article a day before it’s due.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen a client asks for your advice after they try and do something themselves and it doesn’t work. We told you…

Red Branch relatable GIF

Whether if it’s replying to an email string or a post on @Mondaydotcom‏, GIFs are a huge part of @RedBranch's #CompanyCulture. Take a look through these GIFs to get a feel for what it’s like working at The Branch: Share on X

When you have to write articles that are way over your head and the client actually says it’s good.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen a client sends an appreciation email out of the blue and you can’t help but feel all the feels.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen people think you just tweet things all day.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen your work BFF helps you finish something you really had no idea how to do.

Red Branch relatable GIF

When you’re auditing a client and realize you have a part in 5 of the 7 sections… the day before it’s due.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen you realize the clock magically jumped from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and you still need to knock out the other half of your day’s tasks in an hour.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen you do research for a highly technical client article and actually start to understand the concept.

Red Branch relatable GIF

When you go on about your day after publishing an article and realize you forgot to include a CTA.

Red Branch relatable GIFWhen you have one embarrassing moment in your life and your whole company roasts you… thanks for being a good sport, Bach!

Red Branch relatable GIFWe want everyone who reads this to know that we all love our jobs here at Red Branch! This article was made all in good fun and we don’t mean to offend anyone. We think it’s funny to use GIFs to show how we feel sometimes as marketers. Please just know this is for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken seriously… well, take it as seriously as you want. Want to join in the fun? Check out our current openings!