By Marissa Litty:
Are you in need of a little good news? Well, here it goes: there are some basic must-haves, but all in all, there is no “right” way to manage employee performance. Your organization is unique, therefore, leading and managing your workforce should be too. This week, we heard some great insight from ClearCompany, Inspire Software and Talent Tech Labs that we’re more than excited to share. We’re talking management advice, new outlooks on retention and technology to keep on your radar. While these aren’t the “rules” on employee performance, they’re definitely worth remembering.
Need a little insight on managing employee performance? Check out this #RedBranchWeekly: Share on X
Inspire Software: 5 Impactful Conversation Phrases to Improve Your Leadership Training Today
Training can make or break employee performance, and the approach your team takes to even the smallest interactions can make big impacts. Even workers who aren’t on the management track need and expect development conversations. Sometimes that means difficult discussions and conflict resolution. This post has the conversation starters you need to keep employees productive and happy.
#RedBranchWeekly: Dreading that hard #management conversation? Here are the starters from @InspireSoftware you need to get through it: Share on X
ClearCompany: How Turnover Can Be Positive for Your Company
Retention is a big weight on the shoulders of HR. It’s not fun to see two-weeks notice cross your desk, especially when you’re in the middle of a hiring spree. Well, we’re in the market of sharing some good news, and ClearCompany has a little to share. Not all employee turnover is bad turnover. Yes, you read that right, sometimes employee turnover is exactly what your team needs. Read all about it in this article.
#RedBranchWeekly: Hey, not all #turnover is bad turnover. Get the scoop from @ClearCompany: Share on X
Talent Tech Labs: 6 Talent Acquisition Technologies to Have on Your Radar
Good performance starts before the worker is an employee. In fact, how a candidate is recruited and assessed can lend directly to the type of work they’re going to perform. That’s exactly why Talent Tech Labs diligently tracks TA trends and tech. If you’re ready to transform how you hire, this is the company to follow, starting with this resource.
In this #RedBranchWeekly, @TalenTechLabs has a few updates on the #TalentAcquisition tech you need to have on your radar: Share on XWhat employee performance management tip did we miss? Share it with us on Twitter @RedBranch!