This article on The Right Balance was originally published in February 2019. All relevant information and statistics have been updated as of February 2023.
Wahoo! Thanks for joining us for another edition of our Red Branch values. We have already discussed grit, curiosity, naked ambition, accountability, gettting things done, credit, and helpfulness. But today, our company value is balance.
We practice helpfulness with open communication, balance, and flexibility. Discover our individual definitions of our 8th value here:
Balance is more than distributing priorities between work and home. The Right Balance also includes having fun while guiding and working with our clients to achieve their goals.
— Terri
It’s important to have balance at work. That’s why everything we accomplish at Red Branch Media is done with purpose, research, and best practices. When we put our best foot forward to deliver work both our clients AND we are proud of, we avoid any unnecessary wasted time. That time can then be spent in the form of RBM’s famous 20-minute “brain breaks,” where branchers take 20 minutes each day to step away from their computer to take time to do something that gives their brain rest (a house chore, a walk, etc.), or simply having the ability to clock out of work right at the end of the day and not working late.
— Kyle
A healthy work-life balance is finding the perfect balance of your work obligations while still having time to enjoy your hobbies and interests in your personal time. The ideal ratio of work to home looks different to everyone.
We are in a high-demand industry, which is always keeping us on our toes and moving at a fast pace, but we truly believe in finding the right balance between work and personal time, and it’s why we made it one of our values. We work hard but know taking time to decompress and enjoy our time outside work only improves our happiness and the work we produce.
— Eric

By maintaining balance, employees are healthy, well-rested, and feel great, and they are more likely to produce the best work possible.
— Kristine
The right balance means having different parts or elements properly or effectively arranged, proportioned, regulated, considered, etc.
— Anna
Without balance, things don’t quite reach their full potential. People and teams work best when they have a balance between work and personal life. They also work best when the responsibilities are balanced between members of the team.
— January
The opposing forces of the Yin and Yang are always in flux, and keeping them in balance requires energy. However, this balance is essential to maintaining a healthy mind and body. It is especially important in the fast-moving world of digital marketing.
— Shawn
With only a limited number of hours in a day, balancing work and personal life is very important. Both focuses require planning ahead, asking for help when needed, and taking breaks to stay refreshed. Maintaining a state of equilibrium in life will keep you happier and healthier for years to come.
— Carissa
Balance wasn’t something I had been accustomed to in my past life. So it is still new to me, but to me, it means being able to be fully present whether at work or at home. The time that you have devoted to each is truly devoted. Work doesn’t interrupt home and vice versa because when you are able to find that balance, there is room for both without feeling guilty or having to choose one over the other. The balance makes life so much better, truly.
— Lindsay
A healthy work-life balance is critical to success at work. Maintaining this balance allows us to excel in every aspect of our work and feel good closing our computers each day, knowing that we’ll be ready to go the next day!
— Olivia

At Red Branch Media, we find balance every day when we start our morning with “Stand-Ups,” where we are led to answer ice-breaker-type questions before we discuss our team’s plans for the day. This is a great way to get to know each other beyond the tasks that we do. That balance makes a difference in our team since we better understand each other outside of a strictly work-based environment when crafting projects.
— Cassandra
Balance is all about communication, time management, and respecting individuality while staying aligned with team values.
— Amanda

A work-life balance is about being able to say no & know one’s limits. Knowing when you’re at the end of your rope & are depleted from your work. That’s when it’s time to rest & recover your mind & body so mental burnout doesn’t persist.
— Nick
Balance is an artful dance of give and take to find an easy equilibrium between intense focus and mindful relaxation. The dynamics of life can shift rapidly between high-wire act and merry-go-round. Having the right balance allows you to remain standing either way.
— Angela
Having balance is understanding that to meet our goals and our client’s goals, we need to be at our best. This requires the grit to get the job done, but also to know when it’s time to take a break or switch tasks so we can come back refreshed or with a new perspective so that we deliver a higher quality of service.
— Andrea
To me, balance in work applies to more than the work/life balance. Balance also means taking into consideration what is important to our clients alongside what is best for them. Our clients hire us because we are experts in our field. It would be a disservice to our clients to not advise them if we feel they are working against their own goals. We balance their desires and intimate knowledge of their own business with our experience in the marketplace to achieve goals and make everyone happy.
— Jeremy
Allowing yourself balance in work and life is crucial to reducing stress and preventing burnout in your employees. Each day we start with “Stand-Ups,” which is an excellent way for us to get to know each other and talk through our tasks for the day. As well as a Mental Health Monday each quarter, and Eating Meeting!
— Hailey
The Right Balance is just one of Red Branch’s core values. Interested in seeing the other core values? Check them out here, and if you’re curious enough, look at our job openings to be a Brancher!