This article on Accountability was originally published in January 2019. All relevant information and statistics have been updated as of January 2023.
If you want a mediocre product, don’t come here. If you want to excel against your competitors and create some amazing marketing products, we’re the right fit for you! Keep reading to discover 24 reasons we find accountability so important at Red Branch Media.
Accountability is holding yourself and others responsible for their priorities and goals – all emotions aside. It is taking a moment to gather what you have learned throughout a process without doing something just to get it done. At Red Branch, we hold each other accountable as we work through our everyday tasks to ensure the best version of our work is sent out.
– Cassandra
For me, accountability is tied to empathy. The more I understand the dreams, struggles, and needs of our clients and my teammates, the more accountable I feel.
– Shawn
Accountability is being true to your word. It’s taking responsibility and making certain that commitments made are executed timely and beyond expectations.
– Terri
Want a low-quality product? Do not come here. @RedBranch delivers what they say they will. Discover how all The Brancher’s define their company value #accountability: Share on X
Accountability is holding yourself & others to a set of standards that you deem to be acceptable. Trusting that you have the ability & have no excuse to meet those standards so it positively affects any aspect of your life.
– Nick
Accountability is all about taking ownership and stepping up when it matters most when something goes wrong. When you’re accountable, you take ownership, pivot, and problem-solve. You don’t throw people under the bus. You take accountability.
– Kristine

Accountability is a commitment to taking ownership of your work, getting it done on time, and answering any issues if they arise.
– Carissa
Accountability means taking responsibility for what you do, what you don’t do, and the outcome of both. Accountability is critical to improvement, but it also creates a sense of pride when your efforts are successful. Both are equally important.
– Ashlei
Accountability is holding yourself and those around you to a standard while working towards your shared goals.
– Olivia
Discover how the @RedBranch team defines their company value #accountability: Share on XAccountability, to me, means taking responsibility. Good, bad, or ugly, you own it. It is being responsible for your actions and the outcomes of those actions without placing blame on others. It is taking ownership of what is yours. Whatever the outcome, you claim your part.
– Lindsay
Being accountable means putting your best work forward by the set deadline, no matter the cost. It doesn’t mean you have to put the weight of the world on your shoulders, though. It’s having that right balance of knowing what you can take on and when you need to reach out to your co-workers for help. Simply put, accountability is priority management.
– Kyle
To me, accountability means taking responsibility more than you take credit. Being accountable means you stay late to do the important things, and you help your coworker because your work depends on him or her doing their work well. Accountability means refunding someone’s money when you’ve failed to do the job or getting yelled at when a junior employee makes a mistake. Accountability is founded in honesty and is one of the crucial ingredients for Integrity.
– Maren

Accountability means taking responsibility for your actions, work ethic, and the outcomes of your actions.
– Hailey
Accountability is just one of Red Branch’s core values. Interested in seeing the other core values? Check them out here and if you’re curious enough, look at our job openings to be a Brancher!