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#RedBranchWeekly: Creating a Winning Company Culture

By Tridia Tshimanga:

When it comes to building your workplace and teams, your ultimate goal is to create a culture where your employees feel empowered, engaged, productive, and excited to stay at your company for a while. But fostering a vibrant and connected culture doesn’t happen overnight, or by accident.

Thanks to our partners from ClearCompany, Good&Co, and Inspire Software, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about cultivating a winning company culture that can provide overall success to both your employees and organization.

In this #RedBranchWeekly, learn how cultivating a positive #CompanyCulture can help you hire, engage, and retain your employees. Share on X

ClearCompany: A Great Candidate Experience Cuts More Costs and Increases Revenue

For many companies today, providing a positive candidate experience is at the forefront of creating a lasting impression for many different applicants going through the hiring process. Not only is this a necessity during both the recruitment and hiring process, but this a perfect time to showcase your company’s culture and values. According to Gallup, having a culture that attracts high-talent can lead to 33% higher revenue. By enacting your company culture and values into creating a candidate experience your applicants enjoy, this will not only benefit your candidates but your company as well.

#RedBranchWeekly: In @ClearCompany's latest article, discover how enabling your company's culture and values into your hiring and recruitment process can help create an inviting experience that everyone will enjoy. Share on X

Good&Co: 5 Ways to Determine Cultural Fit

When searching for a new candidate to join your organization, what’s one of the most important aspects to look for when hiring? Skills, yes. But what else? Not sure? It’s finding employees who fit among your company’s culture. When it comes to discovering a candidate for any role, not only is it important to hire based on skill set but also on cultural fit as well. At the end of the day, you want to hire someone who has the experience to perform their role successfully but you also want someone whose beliefs and values correspond with your company’s culture. In addition, hiring for cultural fit can create diverse, productive, and happier teams.  If you aren’t sure where to start when it comes to hiring for cultural fit, Good&Co has your back. Discover the five ways to hire a candidate for cultural fit in their latest post.

Discover how hiring for cultural fit can help your #organization create diverse and happier teams in @goodandco's latest article: Share on X

Inspire Software: The Missing Piece in Your Company Culture Strategy

In any organization, great leaders have the ability to create a positive and productive workplace that any employee can thrive in. But without the right leadership strategy in place, your company culture can go down the drain, leaving your employees unmotivated. That’s why today, it is more important than ever that an effective leadership approach is set to help create an engaging and healthy culture. After all, producing great leaders starts with creating a culture that matters.

#RedBranchWeekly: In order to produce great leaders, the right #CompanyCulture strategy needs to be put in place. Discover how culture plays a critical role in the success of your organization with @InspireSoftware. Share on X

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