This article on the pursuit of excellence was originally published in March 2019. All relevant information and statistics have been updated as of December 2022.
At Red Branch, we constantly push ourselves to reach excellence in every aspect of our business. Whether it’s creating exciting, engaging content, analyzing and improving our growth strategy, or building killer landing pages, we do this to ensure our client’s brands attract customers.
Discover how the @RedBranch team defines their company value #Excellence: Share on XExcellence isn’t just something we work to achieve; it’s one of the core values woven into the culture of the Branch. Recently, we asked the Branchers what the Pursuit of Excellence means to them. Check out what they had to say:
Excellence is a mindset rather than an outcome. After all, anyone can produce excellent content, design excellent graphics, or deliver excellent results on an ad campaign, but not everyone has the drive and determination to work toward excellence in everything they do. The reality is that the pursuit of excellence is relentless; there are always ways you can expand your frame of mind, enhance your skills, or motivate the people around you to work harder and reach higher goals. And the people who are truly excellent are the ones that work tirelessly to better themselves and each other every day.
– Jake
For me, the pursuit of excellence means focusing on 1% gains. It is a relentless focus on small improvements that add up to big wins. For SEO, achieving position #1 in search results depends upon tiny factors. For email marketing, one word in a subject line can make or break a campaign. Growth marketing is all about aiming for that 1%.
– Shawn
The pursuit of excellence is an unending pursuit. Our goal is to exceed our clients’ expectations (and our own), then set the bar higher and do it all again.
– Jeremy

The pursuit of excellence pushes me to do my best in everything I take on. It keeps me focused on my current goals so that I can achieve my future goals.
– Carissa
The pursuit of excellence is about how you make people feel. Exceeding expectations, whether it be a co-worker, a boss, or a client. Treating people in such a way that makes an impact. Treating them better than they expect to be treated. Lastly, creating lasting relationships that are built on trust and respect. That is how I view the pursuit of excellence.
– Lindsay
Excellence, to me, is both a goal to strive for and a state of mind. Pursuing excellence allows you to find inspiration from others along the way, but a mindset seeking excellence fosters innovation and pushes your work to the next level.
– Natalie
The pursuit of excellence expands with every achievement accomplished down the road. Teamwork, individual goals, sharing knowledge, and envisioning the end product encompass the meaning of excellence altogether.
– Cassandra
In advertising, the Pursuit of Excellence is an internal thought process & a motivation never to let anyone outwork you. To be able to be stubborn enough to want to do all the work you can at the best of your abilities, all the while being adaptive to an ever-changing industry and world. It’s almost competitive in a sense. Competing against all the negative factors that life throws at a person, being able to overcome & give it your all & not letting a changing industry pass you by & being open to new ideas and processes, that to me is excellence.
– Nick

As a leader, the pursuit of excellence has changed for me over the years. Before, it was about constantly doing better than I did before. Finding something done incredibly well and then topping it, even if it was just a social media update or blog post. Now it’s something I want to model, and when I have the opportunity to work with my partners to build a better employee experience, I want to make sure it’s well….excellent.
– Maren
Never settle! Excellence is a path that involves continuous learning, using open and honest communication, and collaboration in our efforts to become experts and exceed expectations.
– Terri
The pursuit of excellence is not a goal of perfection but always striving to do and be better for yourself, your team, and the client. It’s constantly pushing the boundaries to improve and grow to provide the best experience and product you can. It means learning from mistakes or failures and then making the changes necessary until you get it right and then continuing to build on what you’ve learned to take it to the next level.
– Andrea
The pursuit of excellence involves learning from past experiences, staying informed to increase knowledge, working smarter every day, and leaving a legacy that has a positive impact on the world.
– Angela
The pursuit of excellence evolves day to day, but at its core, excellence is giving your very best. Not only for yourself but for those around you and those impacted by the small ripples you create.
– January
For me, The Pursuit of Excellence means constantly challenging ourselves to be the best we can be. Whether that means improving or changing a process, learning a new industry trend, or developing a new concept. With this mindset, we constantly focus on growing, improving, and achieving our highest potential. When we all work together in this pursuit, our clients and co-workers see positive results that separate us from the masses.
– Eric

I believe that if you work hard, you’ll make something great. But if you work even harder, you’ll make something greater. One thing that’s made me the designer I am is this value. When you think you’ve done everything you can to make your deliverable amazing, you’re wrong. It’s when you push yourself past the “safe” zone, you’ll create your truly best work. This is excellence.
– Kyle
Everyone at RBM strives for the pursuit of excellence. Pursuing excellence doesn’t just mean hitting deliverables and deadlines. It is about discovering new ways to delight and surprise our clients while maximizing their goals and leads.
– Kristine
The Pursuit of Excellence is just one of Red Branch’s core values. Don’t forget to read any values you missed here: grit, curiosity, naked ambition, accountability, get things done, credit, helpfulness, balance, honesty and agility/efficiency. And, if you’re curious enough, look at our job openings to be a Brancher!